1. User Manual
A. OnCore Basics
- 1. Navigation and Customization
- 2. Protocol and Subject Searches
- 3. Viewing Protocol Documents
- 4. Notifications Descriptions
- 5. Custom Notifications
- 6. Protocol Staff Roles
B. New Protocol Setup
- 1. New Protocol Creation
- 2. Add Protocol Staff
- 3. Updating Protocol Statuses
- 4. Local IRB Initial Review
- 5. PRMC Initial Submission
- 6. External IRB Initial Review
C. Protocol Management
- 1. Edit Protocol Staff
- 2. Local IRB Reviews- Continuation, Change and Closure
- 3. PRMC Submissions- Continuation, Change and Closure
- 4. External IRB Reviews - Modifications, Continuing Reviews, Closure
D. Subject Management
- 1. Subject Registration
- 2. Enrolling Eligible Subjects and Entering Screen Fails
- 3. Updating Subject Statuses
- 4. Subject Visit Tracking
- 5. Subject Accrual, Calendars and Visits
- 6. Summary Accruals
- 7. Tracking Protocol-Related Items
- Switching Subject Calendar Versions
- Visual Guide to Calendar Triggers from Subject Console
E. Budgeting and Invoicing
- 1. Budget Basics
- 2. Invoicing Basics
- 3. OnCore Financial Definitions
- 4. OnCore Billing Grid
- 5. Budget Team Signoff
F. eCRFs
G. Effort Tracking
H. Reportable Events
I. WashU Billing Staff
J. Reporting
Helpful Information
Adding Task Lists to a Protocol
Ancillary Committee Review
Common Research/OnCore Acronyms
CRA Console Event Trigger Tip Sheet
Disable Pop-Up Blockers
Finding My Protocol
Finding the Study Calendar
Finding the Subject to Register
How to Print the Billing Calendar to Reference a Specific Visit
How to Register a Subject Who is Not in EPIC
How to Replace Staff in OnCore
How to Request Access for an External Staff Member
How to Review a Calendar Build
I'm Following the Instructions, But the Boxes Aren't Showing Up
My Console Tip Sheet
PRMC and BSS Reviews
PRMC Submissions: A Basic Guide
Register Subject Tab in the CRA Console
Searching for Sponsor Protocol Numbers
Stratification Blocks
Switching Calendar Versions Tip Sheet
The drop-down doesn't have my item.
What is the minimum footprint?
What studies are required to be in OnCore?
When I Enter a Disease Site for a Subject, I Get an Error Message
Why does OnCore log me out when I am entering data?
Will the Billing Matrix stay or go with OnCore expansion?
OnCore Task-Function
Troubleshooting Information
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Need more help? Contact the OnCore Support Team: oncore@wustl.edu