6. Summary Accruals

Summary Accrual Updates

How do I know if my study requires this?

  1. If you are unsure as to whether your Oncology study qualifies for Summary Accrual Info Only, please contact PRMC, as they make this determination. 
  2. If your study is classified as being eligible for Summary Accrual updates, please follow these instructions for required Quarterly updates into OnCore, regardless of accrual numbers
    1. Protocols menu > PC Console > Main > Details > Summary Accrual Info. Only = YES
      1. If you have questions regarding this setting, please contact PRMC.
    2. Summary Accruals are REQUIRED to be entered on a quarterly basis, beginning from date Open to Accrual through Closed to Enrollment.  Monthly entry is recommended.
    3. Enter enrollment information even if no enrollments have occurred in time frame being recorded
    4. Quarterly Accrual Schedule
      1. 1st quarter schedule:  Enter enrollment information from January 1st through March 31st.  If your study opened to accrual during the 1st quarter then use the open to accrual date as the “From” date. 
      2. 2nd quarter schedule:  Enter enrollment information from April 1st through June 30th.  If your study opened to accrual during the 2nd quarter then use the open to accrual date as the “From” date. 
      3. 3rd quarter schedule:  Enter enrollment information from July 1st through September 30th.  If your study opened to accrual during the 3rd quarter then use the open to accrual date as the “From” date. 
      4. 4th quarter schedule:  Enter enrollment information from October 1st through December 31st.  If your study opened to accrual during the 4th quarter then use the open to accrual date as the “From” date. 
      5. Quarterly summary accruals must be entered in OnCore by the 15th of the month that follows the end of the quarter.
        1. 1st quarter summary accruals will be due by April 15th
        2. 2nd quarter summary accruals will be due by July 15th
        3. 3rd quarter summary accruals will be due by October 15th
        4. 4th quarter summary accruals will be due by January 15th

Adding Summary Accruals

  1. Begin on Home Page > Protocols menu > PC Console
  2. Select a protocol by entering the protocol number in the "Select Protocol" field
  3. Click the Accrual vertical tab
  4. Complete the following Required Fields in the "Add Protocol Accrual" block:
    1. Select "From" and "Thru" dates
      1. The From Date is the start date of this summary accrual entry
        1. If this is the first entry, this should be the date the study opened to accrual.
      2. The Thru Date is the end date of this summary accrual entry
      3. Entries must be grouped by calendar year.
        1. Only accruals occurring in the same calendar year can be grouped together.
        2. Example: An entry of From 10/1/2018, Thru 1/1/2019 is invalid.  Instead use Thru 12/31/2018.
    2. Enter "Accrual" number
      1. Accrual indicates the accrual number being recorded for this time period
      2. Enter the number of accruals (or specimens, entries, etc) for the specified period of time
    3. Select "Institution" and "Internal Accrual Reporting Group" from drop-down box
      1. The institution where the accruals being recorded occurred. Select the Institution responsible for recording the accruals.
    4. Complete RaceBiological Sex, and Ethnicity
      1. Biological Sex options are Male, Female, Unknown
      2. Ethnicity options are Hispanic or Latino, Non-Hispanic, or Unknown
      3. Race options are American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Multiple, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Other, Unknown, White
    5. Select "Disease Site" from the drop-down box
      1. The Disease Site is the organ in the body where the patient's cancer first developed.
      2. If the participant does not have a primary cancer diagnosis at the time of enrollment or the participant is a caregiver, provider, etc. then leave Disease Site blank.
    6. Complete other fields based on HRPO approved data collected
      1. "Age Group" options are 0-9, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-89, 90-99, 100+.  If age group is unknown, then leave blank.

      2. "Zip Code"- enter 5 digit numerical zip code in box. If zip code is unknown then leave blank. 

    7. Click "Add"
    8. Click "Close"
    9. Accruals will show in Accrual Summary box, and in study specific "Accrual to Date" headers.

*Institutional required fields marked in red, bold font

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Need more help? Contact the OnCore Support Team: oncore@wustl.edu