DT3 Disease Codes
The following applies only to OnCore protocols that require PRMC review (i.e. protocols in the Oncology library). Guidance was prepared by the Siteman Protocol Development Team
Choosing DT3 Code(s) in OnCore
Data Table 3 (DT3) codes for each protocol in OnCore are entered on the Diseases table in the PC Console > Treatment > Disease/Diagnosis. Diseases entered here feed into the Primary Site column in the Data Table 4 (DT4).
The Primary Site is defined by the P30 Cancer Center Support Grant Data Table Guide 3.1 as the primary cancer site(s) (i.e. breast, ovary) the clinical research study focuses on. If the clinical research study is broadly applicable to a number of potential primary sites, enter the term “multiple” in this column. In OnCore, there is not an option to choose “multiple”; instead all appropriate primary site(s) must be chosen.
Navigate to the PC Console > Treatment > Disease/Diagnosis tab. Click Update (bottom right). Next, click Select. Make sure your pop-up blockers are turned off. You should get a pop-up box of all DT3 codes. Select all that apply and click Add.
- The study is a clinical trial that can enroll participants with any solid tumor. Our site is only enrolling participants with breast cancer. The appropriate DT3 codes to choose would be all of the DT3 codes for solid tumors because the clinical trial is focusing the research on participants with any solid tumor cancer.
- The study is a clinical trial focused on preventing obesity. The participants enrolled will not have a cancer diagnosis. The appropriate DT3 codes to choose would be those cancers where obesity is known to be a risk factor. The appropriate DT3 codes would include esophagus, breast, colon, rectum, corpus uteri, other digestive organ, stomach, kidney, liver, ovary, pancreas, thyroid, brain and nervous system, and multiple myeloma.
- The study is focused on smoking cessation. The participants enrolled will not have a cancer diagnosis. The appropriate DT3 codes to choose would be those cancers where smoking is a risk factor. The appropriate DT3 codes would include lung, esophagus, larynx, lip, oral cavity, and pharynx, kidney, other urinary, liver, pancreas, stomach, cervix, colon, rectum, and myeloid and monocytic leukemia.
- The study is a clinical trial focused on treating participants with brain metastases. The protocol eligibility criteria requires the participant to have at least one brain metastasis but does not specify any eligible diagnosis for the primary cancer site. The appropriate DT3 codes to choose would be those cancer diagnoses where brain metastases can develop.
- The study is a clinical trial focused on providing a coping tool for caregivers caring for cancer patients. The appropriate DT3 codes to choose for this study would be all of the DT3 codes because the protocol eligibility criteria does not specify the cancer diagnoses of the cancer patients that the caregiver is providing care.
DT3 codes in OnCore (as of 8/12/2021)
Code | Description |
7 | Anus |
14 | Bones and Joints |
31 | Brain and Nervous System |
19 | Breast |
21 | Cervix |
5 | Colon |
22 | Corpus Uteri |
2 | Esophagus |
30 | Eye and Orbit |
36 | Hodgkin’s Lymphoma |
42 | Ill-Defined Sites |
17 | Kaposi’s Sarcoma |
28 | Kidney |
11 | Larynx |
40 | Leukemia, other |
1 | Lip, Oral Cavity and Pharynx |
8 | Liver |
12 | Lung |
38 | Lymphoid Leukemia |
16 | Melanoma, Skin |
37 | Multiple Myeloma |
35 | Mycosis Fungoides |
39 | Myeloid and Monocytic Leukemia |
34 | Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma |
10 | Other Digestive Organ |
33 | Other Endocrine System |
24 | Other Female Genital |
41 | Other Hematopoietic |
26 | Other Male Genital |
13 | Other Respiratory and Intrathoracic Organs |
18 | Other Skin |
29 | Other Urinary |
23 | Ovary |
9 | Pancreas |
25 | Prostate |
6 | Rectum |
4 | Small Intestine |
15 | Soft Tissue |
3 | Stomach |
32 | Thyroid |
41 | Unknown Sites |
27 | Urinary Bladder |
Other Protocol Setup Topics:
- 1. New Protocol Creation
- 2. Add Protocol Staff
- 3. Updating Protocol Statuses
- 5. PRMC Initial Submission (Oncology Only)
- Local IRB Reviews
- External IRB Initial Reviews
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