Schedule a Report
Schedule a Report
If you find a report that works well for your team, rather than running it every time you want it, you can schedule the same exact report to be run and emailed to you at a certain time every week, or even every day.
- From the Home Screen, navigate to the Menu and Click on Reports > Reports
- Navigate to the report you would like to schedule
- If the report is able to be scheduled, there will be a "Schedule" hyperlink to the right of the report hyperlink
- Click the Schedule hyperlink
- The screen that opens will require you to fill out the details (Report Criteria) of the report you are trying to run - just as if you were running a single report
- Add the appropriate Report Criteria based on the report you have chosen in the first block of the schedule request
- In the second block, you will add details about How you want it sent to you including the name of the scheduled report, e-mail address of who you want to receive it, e-mail subject, e-mail body, and the Format of the file that it will be sent as: PDF, Excel, CSV, RTF, or DOCX.
- Once you have filled in the details of How you will receive the scheduled report, you will move to the third block to choose When you will receive the report
- You can choose to have the report run Daily, Weekly, or Monthly
- Within those options, you will also have to make selections:
- Once you have chosen When to receive the report, click Submit
Delete a Scheduled Report
If you no longer need a report you previously scheduled or if you were notified by an administrator that a report was updated, you will need to delete a scheduled report.
- From the Home Screen, navigate to the Menu and Click on Reports > Scheduled Reports
- You should get a list of all your Scheduled Reports with a Delete option on the left.
- Click Delete to the right of the report, then when you get a pop-up asking if you are sure, click OK.
- If you were deleting to in response to a report update by an administrator, follow the instructions above to schedule the new version of the report.
Fields Defined:
Schedule Name: The name of the report schedule (required). This name appears on the Reports > Scheduled Reports page, and it should be as descriptive as possible to avoid confusion.
Active: Indicates that the report is active and will be run at the defined time. This checkbox is selected by default; if you clear the checkbox, the scheduling record information is retained but the report is not run.
Send To: Where the report is sent. If you select Email, you must supply destination addresses by selecting My Email or making entries in the Other Emails field. If you select the My Email checkbox, the report is sent to the person who set up the report schedule as well as additional email addresses entered. Use the Email Subject and Email Body fields to supply additional email content. If you select OnCore file system, the report file is saved to $FORTE_HOME/oncore/data/scheduled-reports. If you are accessing this window from Admin > Config Settings > Service Schedules, you cannot edit the delivery mechanism from this window because the report information has already been created.
Format: The format to use for the report. Select an option from the drop-down list, such as PDF or Excel. If the report is sent via email, it will be included as an attachment.
Dates: The date range during which the report is run. Enter a start and end date. These fields are required when creating the report schedule. Schedule When the report is run. Enter a time and the days on which the report is run. In the Schedule section, use the Run at field to define the hour and minute of the day that the report should run. The Daily/Weekly/Monthly radio buttons are used to schedule the report periodically, and one of them must be chosen. When a radio button is selected, additional scheduling fields appear to allow schedule fine-tuning
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