Search for a shipment0
Search for a shipment to view a Packing slip for that shipment. Packing slip displays all specimens that the shipment contains.
Collecting site staff should view the Packing slip to make sure that all specimens are in the package before sending a shipment. Repository staff should view the Packing slip and make sure all the specimens that were supposed to be in the package were included.
Start the search for a shipment, by selecting Shipments menu in Search panel on the left side of the screen. The Shipment search screen appears.
The Shipment Search screen provides three ways to search for a shipment:
By Shipment ID: As you start typing the Shipment ID, system suggests the list of shipments that contain the entered ID. From the suggestions, select the desired specimen ID and select Search to view information about that specimen.
By Ship To: You can search for all shipments that are destined for, or have been received by, a particular repository. This is useful if staff at a collecting site want to see a list of all shipments sent to a specified repository. If there are a lot of shipments however, this list could be long. As you start typing the Shipment to address, system suggests list of existing repositories that contain the entered text. You may view the results for only those repositories that you have access to.
By Contains Specimen ID: If you know the Specimen ID you can search for a shipment that contains that specimen. This is useful if you have a specimen in hand with a Specimen ID, and you want to look up the shipment from which it came. Type the Specimen ID and click Search The system lists the shipment that contains that specimen.
From the list of suggestions, select the desired Shipment ID and system displays the details related to selected shipment.
Select the Shipment ID in the table to view packing slip of that shipment.