Search a study0
To search for an existing study, select Build study from Tasks panel
System displays the build study page from which you may add a study or search for an existing study. To search for an existing study, select Edit tab
The Study search screen provides two ways to search for an existing study:
By Study ID: Study ID is also called Study Number or Alliance Study number. Start typing the Study ID and system suggests the list of studies that contain the entered value. From the suggested studies, select the study to which the desired patient is registered.
By Study title: Type the first few letters of study title and system suggests the list of studies that contain the entered text. From the list of suggestions, select the desired study and select Search
For example, select the Study ID from drop-down and start entering the study ID 10600. System displays the desired study as a suggestion.
From the list of suggestions, pick the study ID and select Search. System displays the table where Study ID, Study title and Study status are displayed.
To navigate to details of the study and edit any study details, select Study ID from the table. System takes you to Study details page. Existing study details, epochs, arms, collection events, specimen requirements of the study are displayed in a tree structure
You may now update the study details and add epochs, arms, collection events, specimen requirements to the study.