Create a REDCap Project

Create a REDCap Project

Once a user with a WUSTL Key and password logs in to REDCap v13, they can begin creating REDCap Projects on the WUSTL REDCap Instance.  Use the guide below to create a project.

 Create a REDCap Project

Step-by-step instructions are followed by a short video tutorial.

  1. Go to https://redcap.wustl.edu and log in the REDCap Version 13 Production Server.

  2. Click +New Project in the REDCap Home page.

  3. Enter a Project Title and select a Project purpose.

    1. If this is a practice project, choose Practice/Just for Fun

    2. If this is a research project, choose Research and select at least one area of research. Additional information is optional when creating the project, however, will be required prior to moving to production

    3. If this project will not contain research data (exempt IRB link here), choose Operational Support or Quality Improvement. Additional information will be required prior to moving to production

  4. Click Create a Project

The project will be in Development Status by default. Real Data should not be collected while in Development Status. See the guide for moving to Production Status before you collect real data.

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