How to Use REDCap PV Subsetting

Permissible Value (PV) subsetting in an instrument allows the user to select a choice from drop-down values of a control field variable and have the ability to select only specific values (subsets) in the target field variable.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Identify your instrument and fields that would benefit from this function and identify the specific controlling and target values that will be included.
  2. Contact REDCap help desk and request that the Plugin "PV Subsetting" be add to your REDCap Project. Also they will give you access to a REDCap Project "Cross Ref for PV Subsets". It is used by this plugin. You will add entries to "Cross Ref for PV Subsets" to set up your controlling and target cross references.
  3. Here is a sample "Cross Ref for PV Subsets" record  fields and screenshots
    Project Name: 
    REDCap Project ID Number: four digit number that identifies the project
    Form Name:  type in the Instrument Name that you are interested in (no square brackets)>
    Controlling Field Variable Name: <type in the field of interest(no square brackets)>
    Controlling Permissible Value: < type in the code for the value of interest(no square brackets)>
    Target Field for Subset (variable name): < type in the field of interest(no square brackets)>
    Target Value(s) to display as subset: <enter the code for the values to display separated by commas)
    Comment: <comment>
    Is this active: Yes

Make note of these values because you will need them for the setup. You will need to know the:

  1. Project Name: Dystonia-MICS
  2. REDCap Project ID Number: (found ...)
  3. Form Name:  type in the Instrument Name that you are interested in
  4. Controlling Field Variable Name: type in the field of interest(no square brackets)
  5. Controlling Permissible Value: < type in the code for the value of interest(no square brackets)> 
  6. Target Field for Subset (variable name): < type in the field of interest(no square brackets)> 
  7. Target Value(s) to display as subset: <enter the code for the values to display separated by commas) 
  8. Comment: blank or information you find useful to keep
  9. Is this active: Yes, Or no if the record should be ignored

Add action tag to the Target Field in the Action Tags/Field Annotation(optional) column: @WUSM_DPPVSUBSET{"refpid":5947}

Note-Now we can use Alphanumeric Values in both Controlling and Target Permissible Values set

As well we can use Radio Button Control as a Controlling Field while setting the PV-Subsetting.

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