Create REDCap e-Consent Project
Purpose: Create REDCap project using e-consent template and enable all necessary settings to store a copy of the fully executed consent in the record and sent to the participant using a secure link.
Webinar Recording with Step-by-Step demonstrations
Standard Operating Procedures
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Create Project
Log in to with WUSTL Key and password.
Click +New Project in the top menu
Enter Project Title:
Purpose of this project: → Research
Add PI name, PI email and IRB number
Check at least 1 area under Please specify:
Project creation option: Use a template (choose one below).
Select WashU REDCap e-Consent Template Project
Project Setup
Designate Email Field for Communications
Enable optional modules and customizations:
Ensure Designate an email field… has Field currently designated: consent_copy_email or other email field of your choosing
Remove Record ID from Fully Executed Consent
Navigate to Project setup → Click Additional Customizations
Check box next to PDF Customizations
Change the dropdown menus to “Hide it” under Hide Record ID from PDF header? (This will…) and Display or hide the Secondary Unique Field…
Click Save
Survey Settings
Click Online Designer. The Data Collection Instruments table should look like this:
The instrument names with mmddyyyy will need to be updated following IRB approval
Select Survey Settings for Informed Consent Form V1.00 App mmddyyyy.
Basic Survey Options section → Survey Instructions contains example text
Survey Design Options section → choice of default settings or customized
Survey Customizations section: leave on default settings
Survey Access section → Allow ‘Save & Return Later’ option for respondents? is set to: “Yes.”
Survey Termination Options section → Survey Completion Text contains example text
Replace [email] and [phone] with contact information for your study.
Select Save Changes at the bottom of the page
Select Survey Settings for Fully Executed Consent Forms V1.00 App mmddyyy.
Basic Survey Options section → Survey Instructions contains example text
Survey Design Options section → you may leave default settings or customize
Survey Customizations section: leave on default settings
Scroll down to the Survey Access section:
Make sure that Allow ‘Save & Return Later’ option for respondents? is set to you “Yes.”
Ensure Allow respondents to return and modify completed responses is checked
Survey Termination Options section → Survey Completion Text contains example text
Click Save Changes
e-Consent Framework and PDF Snapshot
e-Consent Framework
Online Designer → select e-Consent and PDF Snapshots
Click the e-Consent Framework tab
Under e-Consent Framework Settings click the pencil icon under Edit settings next to the "Informed Consent Form V1.00 App mmddyyyy" survey
Screenshot of e-Consent Framework settings:
Written e-Consent Framework settings:
Allow e-Consent responses to be edited by user? → Checked
First name field: → leave as “--select a field --”
Last name field: → leave as “--select a field --”
e-Consent version → 1
Date of birth field: → leave as “-- select a field --"
Signature field #1: → “participant_signature “Signature of Participant”
Save to specified field → Uncheck
If you leave the Save to specified field box checked, the participant will receive a copy of the consent without the study team signature
Snapshot file name → File name: Remove the “_id[record-name]” from the end of the file name.
File name: [participant_firstname]_[participant_lastname]_pid[project-id]_form[instrument-label]
Click Save settings
PDF Snapshots of Records
Click the PDF Snapshots of Records tab
Click +Add new trigger
Screenshot of completed Trigger for PDF Snapshot
Written Settings for Trigger for PDF Snapshot
Name of Trigger: Fully Executed Consent Upload App mmddyyyy
Step 1: Trigger conditions
Every time the following survey is completed: → ---select a survey---
Every time the following survey is completed: → Enter logic below:
[participant_signature] <> "" and [participant_name] <> "" and [date_consented] <> "" and [consent_witness_signature] <> "" and [consent_witness_name] <> "" and [consent_witness_date] <> "" and [signed_consent_form_v1] = ""
This logic box does not say whether the logic is valid
STEP 2: Scope of the snapshot
Click pencil → select deselect all then check only “Informed Consent Form V1.00 App mmddyyyy” and click Update
Check Save as Compact PDF (includes only fields with saved data)
If using Multi-language Management, check Store the translated version of the PDF
Step 3: Location(s) to save the snapshot
Check Save to File Repository
Check Save to a specified field → select “signed_consent_form_v1”
STEP 4: Snapshot file name
File name: → remove “_id[record-name]”
File name: pid[project-id]_form[instrument-label]
Click Save
Automated Survey Invitation
Setup ASI to Deliver Fully Executed Consent
Go to Online Designer → Automated Invitations next to Fully Executed Consent Forms V1.00 App mmddyyy
Screenshot of conditions for Automated Survey Invitations (ASI)
Step 1: Compose message
From: name participant will see on email
Your name, lab name, study name, etc.
Dropdown contains email addresses of users on project with Survey Distribution Tools user rights
Best to choose wustl email address.
For guest WashU REDCap accounts, see Sending Email Invitations from Guest Wash U REDCap Accounts
Subject: Signed Informed Consent Form for Your Records
Email Body should read:
In the link below, you will find the fully executed informed consent form for your records, which you may download or come to review at any time.
You may open the informed consent form for review or download in your web browser by clicking the link below:
[survey-link]If the link above does not work, try copying the link below into your web browser:
[survey-url]This link is unique to you and should not be forwarded to others.
Step 2: Conditions → When the following survey is completed → “Informed Consent Form V1.00 App mmddyyyy”
Will include event and arm if longitudinal
Check When the following logic becomes true:
[consent_copy_distribution] = "1" and [participant_signature] <> "" and [participant_name] <> "" and [date_consented] <> "" and [consent_witness_signature] <> "" and [consent_witness_name] <> "" and [consent_witness_date] <> "" and [signed_consent_form_v1] <> ""
Step 3: When to send invitations AFTER conditions are met → Send Immediately
Reminders are not needed as the participant can continue using the link in the email to return to the fully executed consent any time.
Click Save
Click Close on the Settings for automated invitations were successfully saved dialog box
User Rights
Select User Rights from the left-hand menu
Click on your username and select Edit user privileges.
Check for the minimum required rights for a study team member to consent which are:
Settings pertaining to project records → Create Records (You may wish to select Rename Records and Delete Records as well)
Under Data Viewing Rights, make sure View & Edit is selected for each instrument
Edit survey responses is selected for the Informed Consent Form V1.00 App mmddyyyy under Data Entry Rights
Select Save Changes
Add additional team members: Adding Study Team Members to REDCap Projects
Create Roles for standard sets of User Rights may be helpful if multiple study team members will obtain consent
Alerts & Notifications
In the left-hand menu under Applications, select Alerts & Notifications
Check the box next to Show deactivated alerts.
Click Options on Alert #1 then Re-enable alert.
o Uncheck Show deactivated alerts
Click Edit on Alert #1
STEP 1: Triggering the Alert
How will this alert be triggered? → When a record is saved on a specific form/survey*
Trigger the alert… → Informed Consent Form V1.00 App mm/dd/yyyy is saved with Complete status only
STEP 2: Set the Alert Schedule
When to send the alert → Send Immediately
Send it how many time? → Just Once
STEP 3: Message Settings
Email From: your name, lab name, study name, etc. in the text box and email address you would like the email to be delivered from in the drop-down menu
Email To: [email_attestation] “WUSTL email address of the study team member comple…”
Subject: Informed Consent Form to Review and Sign
Email Body:
A participant has completed an informed consent survey. Please click the Informed Consent Survey link to review their responses. After reviewing all information in the Informed Consent form, please click the Edit Responses button and complete the consent by:
Signing the consent using your mouse
Typing your First and Last name
Clicking now next to Date and time
Click Save & Exit Form.
Click to review Informed Consent: [form-link:informed_consent_form_v100_app_mmddyyyy:Informed Consent]
Thank you!
The ‘mmddyyyy’ in the form-link smart variable will need to be updated following IRB approval
If the study has multiple arms, specify event name before the form-link variable:
[event_1_arm_2][form-link:informed_consent_form_v100_app_mmddyyyy:Informed Consent]
Click Save
Navigate to Create REDCap e-Consent Survey
Please Submit a REDCap Ticket if you have questions about this page.