WashU REDCap e-Consent Template Project
Using the template project allows you to “jump start” your e-consent process. The template contains pre-built instruments and pre-defined settings that prepare your project to complete all tasks necessary for a successful consent process.
Four pre-built instrument templates including consent survey
PIN protected survey links
Consent documentation data collection instrument
Participant responses to consent survey cannot be edited after submitted
Automated delivery of fully executed consent form, signed by participant and study team member, via a PIN protected link
To create a project using the WashU REDCap e-Consent Template,
Navigate to https://redcap.wustl.edu/ and log in using WUSTL Key and password.
Click +New Project in the top menu
Enter a title in Project Title: and select “Research” for the Purpose of this project: dropdown menu, select Research. Please enter a PI name, PI email, and IRB number, if available. If you do not have an IRB number, please add it once it is created.
Choose all the areas of research related to the project and a minimum of one area of research under Please specify:
Next to Start project from scratch or begin with a template? select “Use a template (choose one below).”
Scroll to the WashU REDCap e-Consent Template Project.
Select Create Project
Navigate to Create REDCap e-Consent Project to customize for your specific project.