Protocol and Subject Search
Search Scripts
Using the Protocol and Subject Search features within OnCore is a useful way to create a type of custom report that is specific to your needs. Within both the Protocol and Subject Search features, you are able to save your searches to be able to run the exact same search with the exact same criteria again. Below you will find a number of scripted searches that Managers may find useful in monitoring your team's studies or responsibilities in OnCore.
Searches can be used for a variety of things!
Please keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list. You can use the Protocol and Subject Search consoles to fit your needs. If you don't see a standard or custom report available for what you want, explore the Subject or Protocol search console to see if you can get results that way. If you do find one that works for you, make sure you save the search and you can run it as frequently as you need.
PC Console Cleanup
The PC Console Cleanup search script allows you to run a search based on certain criteria to show you which protocols have fields that are missing and are awaiting some kind of data entry. Once the information is exported into an Excel spreadsheet, you will be able to use the filter tool to look for blank cells to determine what is missing and either fill it in yourself or alert the responsible party.
Suggested Frequency: Monthly
Navigate from the Home Screen to the Protocols Menu > Protocol Search
In the Protocol Status search bar add the following Statuses:
Team Lead Signoff
Regulatory Signoff
IRB Initial Approval
Open to Accrual
Closed to Accrual
Add the From and Thru Dates of the day you are running the search
Scroll down to the Main Section and click the "+" to expand the section
Select the boxes in the "Result Column" for the following fields:
Age Group
Data Monitoring
NCT Number
Investigational Drug
Investigator Initiated Protocol
Protocol Type
Multi-site Trial
Precision Trial
Prevision Trial Classification
By selecting these columns, they will appear as fields in your exported search data
Expand the Management Section by clicking the "+"
Select appropriate fields that you wish to appear in your results
Expand the Treatment Section by clicking the "+"
Select the following fields by checking the Result Column? boxes
Expand the Protocol Annotations Section by clicking the "+"
Select the appropriate Annotation type specific to your department and role
Expand the Accrual Section by clicking the "+"
Select the Protocol Target Accrual Result Column? box
Click Search in the bottom right
- Click View Excel in the results page
Subject Console Cleanup
The Subject Console Cleanup search script will allow you to review the demographics and statuses of a given set of subjects within OnCore to identify missing fields or out of order data. Specifically, you will be looking for blank demographic fields, blank status fields, or On Study and Consent Signed dates that are out of order. Contact the responsible coordinators to update or add the information needed.
Suggested Frequency: Every 2 Weeks
Navigate from the Home Screen to the Subject Menu > Subject Search
In the Subject Demographics section, select the Result Column? boxes for the following criteria:
Birth Date
This means that the above data for each subject who is captured in your search will appear in your exported file
In the Subject Status section, select the Result Column? box and add the following statuses in the Status search bar:
On Study
On Treatment
Off Treatment
On Follow Up
Off Study
Add today's date in the From and Thru Date sections
In the Consent and Eligibility section, select Result Column? box for the "Consent Signed Date" field
Enter the From Date field as the Thru date of the last search you ran
For the initial search, use the date 10/1/2015
Enter the Thru Date field as today's date
In the On Study section select the Result Column? box for the On Study Date field
Leave the date fields empty
In the Protocol section select the Result Column? box for the Management Group field
Add the appropriate management groups
Click Search in the bottom right
- Click View Excel in the results page
Protocol IRB Status Cleanup
The Protocol IRB Status search allows you to evaluate how long a study has been IRB Approved without further action in OnCore. Teams can use this to help stay on top of signoffs or steps required to move forward with opening a protocol to accrual in Oncore.
Suggested Frequency: Every 2 Weeks
Navigate from the Home Screen to the Protocols Menu > Protocol Search
In the Protocol Status section add a status of IRB Initial Approval
Set the From and Thru Dates to today's date
In the Management section, select the Result Column? box for the Management Group field
If you wish to only look at a specific Management Group, add those to this field
Click Search in the bottom right
- Click View Excel in the results page
- Turn on the Filters in Excel and Sort by the Current Status Date - Column G
Protocol Staff Cleanup
The Protocol Staff search allows you to find protocols where a specific job role is not assigned to anyone. By tweaking it just a little bit, it can also be used as a way to determine coverage when someone leaves the university and you need to identify all studies they are attached to in order to transition a new person into that role. For example, you could run a search to find all of the studies that a particular individual is listed as the Primary Clinical Research Coordinator so that you can be sure to replace each of those.
Suggested Frequency: Every 2 Weeks
Navigate from the Home Screen to the Protocols Menu > Protocol Search
In the Protocol Status section add a status of Team Lead Signoff, Regulatory Signoff, Initial IRB Approval, Open to Accrual, Closed to Accrual
- Set the From and Thru Dates to today's date
- In the Staff section, select the Result Column? box for Staff Role
- Enter the role you are attempting to analyze
- If you are attempting to run this search for an employee who is leaving, be sure to also select the Result Column? box for Staff Name and include the individual's name
- Under the Staff Role selection box, click on the "Does Not Contain" radio button
- If you are attempting to run this search to assess for an employee leaving, skip this step
- Set Scope to "Protocol"
- This pulls the information from the protocol level staff as opposed to Subject Staff
Click Search in the bottom right
- Click View Excel in the results page
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