After IRB Approves e-Consent Survey
Purpose: A guide to update the e-Consent project with the correct approval date from the Informed Consent Form approved in myIRB.
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Update Name of Instruments
Online Designer → Click Choose action next to Informed Consent Form V1.00 App mmddyyyy → Rename
Replace mmddyyyy with the 6-digit approval date located in the IRB stamp on the approved .rtf form
Click Yes, also change the survey title
Repeat this for Fully Executed Consent Forms V1.00 App mmddyyy
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Update IRB Stamp Field
Online Designer → Informed Consent Form V1.00 App mmddyyyy → click Edit icon on irb_stamp field
Update to match the exact information on the IRB stamp on the approved .rtf form
The REDCap irb_stamp field will look different than the actual IRB stamp on the .rtf form, but the IRB number, approval date, etc. must match exactly
Update the approval date on the consent_version_info field as well
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Update PDF Snapshot Trigger
Online Designer → e-Consent and PDF Snapshot → PDF Snapshots of Records → Edit Settings for the Fully Executed Consent Upload App mmddyyyy
Step 2: Scope of Snapshot → click pencil icon → choose informed_consent_v100_app_mmddyyyy → Update
Ensure settings for steps 1, 3, and 4 remain correct:
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Update Alerts & Notifications Form Link
Alerts & Notifications on left-hand menu → Edit
Scroll to Message and change the mmyydddd in the form-link smart variable to match the date of the informed consent instrument
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