f. OnCore - Workday Finance Integration

f. OnCore - Workday Finance Integration

OnCore will integrate with Workday Financials starting July 1, 2021.This integration is relevant only for Departments using the OnCore Financials module, which currently includes: Surgery, Neurology, Radiation Oncology, Gynecologic Oncology, Pediatric Oncology, Emergency Medicine.

Medical Oncology is not in the financial pilot but will be creating invoices in OnCore that get integrated with Workday.

Workday is a cloud-based system for Human Resources, Finance and Student Administration. The WashU instance of Workday is known as MyDay. The Workday Finance project replaces WashU's current FIS/AIS system. 

Integrated Invoice/Payment Workflow

  • In an overnight process, invoice details entered prior to 10pm will be sent to MyDay.
  • Each morning, MyDay will respond to any new OnCore invoices with the MyDay invoice number, which will populate the Other Invoice No. field in the Financials Console > Invoice tab.
  • The presence of an Other Invoice No. (beginning with 'CI') signifies the OnCore invoice has been received by MyDay.  Example below.

  • The Center for Clinical Studies Business Office (CCS) will apply sponsor payments to the applicable invoice in Workday.
  • Payments applied to invoices in Workday will be sent to OnCore in a nightly process.

  • CCS will notify the study team that payment has been applied.  
  • The Study Team must check OnCore Receipts tab for accuracy within 10 business days and report any issues. Verify Check No., Amount, Date Received, Invoice Numbers and Payment.  Example below.
  • If the invoice is not paid in full, reconciliation can take place on the OnCore invoice at the line item level (instructions here). This is not CCS required, so check with your Department.

Other Important Things to Know about the Integration

  • The first step is for the Study Team to create the Workday Project with the External Project Reference (IRB number) field entered and the Project Group set to “Clinical Studies in OnCore”.

  • After creation in Workday, CCS will review, approve and enter the Workday Project No. (PJ#) as the Internal Account No. in OnCore Protocols > PC Console > Main > Management tab shown below.
  • The Internal Account No. needs to be in OnCore before the first OnCore invoice is finalized (has a date added)
  • In OnCore, the Default Sponsor in the Parameters tab cannot be Wash U.  This causes an error with the integration.
  • If you do NOT want an invoice to flow over to WorkDay, you can put letters in front of the invoice number (we recommend “DNS”).  Only invoice numbers that start with an integer will flow over to WorkDay. 
  • Invoice dates have to be within the same month that the invoice is being finalized (i.e. if you are finalizing an invoice in August 2021, the invoice date has to be within August 2021). 
    • To be safe, we recommend using “today’s date” when creating/finalizing an invoice.  This is due to the accounting periods being closed in WorkDay and not allowing invoices backdated to a previous period.
    • The only exception is at the beginning of July: any invoice for which a payment is received in the previous fiscal year (June 30th or earlier) should be backdated to June 30th.
  • Users must not modify the Internal Account No. in OnCore.  The Hospital Account No. field just to the right can be used to document any account numbers that need to be tracked.
  • Study Teams are still expected to follow the CCS developed OnCore Invoice Number Guidelines.
  • If an Invoice needs to be Voided or Amended after a payment has been applied, the Study Team will need to unassociate the payment from the invoice in the OnCore Receipts tab before Voiding or Amending.
  • Invoices should not be amended or created in OnCore at 10pm or later, as they will not get picked up by the Workday Integration
  • Payments should not be applied in Workday at 11pm or later, as they will not get picked up by the OnCore integration

Transition Guidance for July 1, 2021

  1. DO NOT back-date an invoice created in OnCore on or after July 1, 2021.  All invoices created in OnCore after the integration go-live need to be dated 7/1/2021 or later.
  2. DO NOT add any items that have already been paid by the sponsor on an invoice created in OnCore on or after July 1, 2021.
  3. If, on or after July 1, 2021, sponsor payment is received for an invoice created prior to July 1, the Study Team will need to create an invoice directly in Workday so that CCS can apply payment in Workday.  To reconcile the invoice in OnCore, the Study Team will have to manually document and apply the payment in OnCore via the Receipts tab.

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Need more help? Contact the OnCore Support Team: oncore@wustl.edu