13 - Kit Management Announcement
Reminder - BioMS v2.0
A reminder that a new version of the Alliance Biospecimen Management System (BioMS, v2.0) was released and put into operation on February 18th, 2016. Although most of the look and functionality of BioMS v2.0 remains the same as the previous version for most users, BioMS 2.0 has an important new piece of functionality related to requesting and tracking fulfillment of biospecimen collection kits.   If you have not had the opportunity to attend a BioMS 2.0 training session, please review the information about training and available training dates/times at the following link,  BioMS v2.0 Training and feel free to sign up for training at your convenience.
BioMS Kit Request Management
Effective March 15th, 2016, all collection kits provided by an Alliance Biorepository will be handled through Alliance BioMS. Please note that after March 14, 2016 all requests for biospecimen collections kits provided by an Alliance Biorepository should be made through the BioMS system, rather than calling, emailing, or faxing individual biorepositories. Â
Alliance Biorepositories:
Alliance Biorepository at Ohio State University (OSU)
Alliance Biorepository at Washingon University in St. Louis (WUSTL)
Alliance Biorepository at Mayo Clinic (MAYO)
Alliance Leukemia Tissue Bank (HEME)
 - BioMS Team