REDCap 14.5 LTS New Features

14.5.0 2024-07-11

New features: Enhanced e-Consent Framework and PDF Snapshot Functionality

Overview - A new page named "Settings for e-Consent & PDF Snapshots" (linked from the Online Designer) serves as the new location where users can enable and set up the e-Consent Framework for a given survey and also set up triggers for storing PDF Snapshots. In previous versions, the e-Consent Framework and PDF Snapshot settings all existed on the Survey Settings page as several disparate options, but now they have been consolidated on this new page as two separate tabs. While these two exist as separate features, there is some overlap of functionality since the e-Consent Framework does ultimately store a copy of the PDF Snapshot for the e-Consent response. In addition to moving these features to the new page, both have been given enhancements, which are detailed below. View a 5-minute overview video of the new features:

Overall Benefits of the New Features - Streamlined Consent Process: Simplify and enhance the electronic consent process for both researchers and participants. Improved Data Integrity: Ensure secure and organized storage of consent forms and survey responses. Enhanced Compliance: Meet regulatory standards such as ICH and FDA requirements with robust version control and audit trails.

14.4.0 2024-06-27

New feature: Background Data Import option for the API - Similar to using the Background Data Import on the Data Import Tool page, users may now utilize the feature when making a call to the Import Records API method. They can simply pass the API parameter "backgroundProcess" with a value of 1 (for Yes) or 0 (for No, which is the default) to invoke this option. The API will return a "success" message with "true" or "false" regarding if the data was successfully accepted. Note: This option works with any data format: CSV, JSON, or XML.

14.3.1 2024-03-28

New hook: redcap_project_delete_after - Allows custom actions to be performed after a delete action has been initiated. This allows for close control of the delete operation on a project.

14.3.1 2024-03-28

New hook: redcap_project_save_after - Allows custom actions to be performed after a project has been saved from a newly created, copied, or modified project. This allows for close control of the create, copy, and modify operations on a project.

14.3.0 2024-03-21

New action tags: @MC-PARTICIPANT-JOINDATE-UTC and @MC-PARTICIPANT-TIMEZONE - These action tags will capture the MyCap participant's timezone and also the install date/time (in UTC time) of the MyCap participant whenever the participant joins a project via the MyCap mobile app. NOTE: This is used only for the MyCap mobile app. The fields' values are not generated when viewing the data entry form but only when the MyCap app is making a call to REDCap when the participant joins the project. Additionally, while these action tags can be added to a new field in already-existing MyCap projects, a field with this action tag will be auto-added to any projects where MyCap is enabled in the project after the fact and for any new projects created using the MyCap project template.

14.3.0 2024-03-21

New feature: Custom Query Folders - For improved organization, Custom Queries on the Database Query Tool page can now be organized into folders. Additionally, custom queries can be exported and imported using a CSV file.

14.2.0 2024-02-22

New feature: Account Expiration Email Templates - At the bottom of the User Settings page in the Control Center, administrators may optionally customize the email text of the account expiration emails that are sent to users prior to the users' impending expiration. Two text editors exist on the page, in which admins may define text for users with sponsors and also for users without sponsors. If no custom text is provided, stock text will be utilized in the outgoing emails to users. (Ticket #58767)

14.2.0 2024-02-22

New feature: Project Dashboard Folders - Project Dashboards in a project can now be organized into folders. If a user has Project Setup & Design privileges, they will see an "Organize" link on the left-hand project menu above the Project Dashboards panel. They will be able to create folders and then assign their Project Dashboards to a folder, after which the Project Dashboards will be displayed in collapsible groups on the left-hand menu. (Ticket #137183)

14.1.0 2024-01-04

New Feature: New Multi-EHR functionality for Clinical Data Interoperability Services (CDIS)- Multiple electronic health record systems (EHRs) can now be defined on the CDIS page in the Control Center, whereas in previous versions only one could be defined. This will allow users to pull clinical data from many different EHR systems, if they desire. After a REDCap administrator has defined one or more EHR systems on the CDIS page, any given REDCap project can utilize a specific EHR connection. Note: A project can only be connected to one single EHR. The first EHR connection will serve as the default, and thus whenever CDP or Data Mart is enabled in a project, it will initially point to the default connection, but this can be changed after the fact to point to one of the other EHR connections that are defined in the Control Center. As previously, all users attempting to pull data from any EHR connection will need to have signed in through the EHR (either using the Standalone Launch or CDPs EHR Launch) in order to obtain a FHIR access token for that specific EHR. Thus the user must still have a valid account for each EHR from which they are attempting to pull data.