4. OnCore Billing Grid
4. OnCore Billing Grid
Viewing the Billing Grid in OnCore
- From the Home Page > Financials menu > Coverage Analysis Console
- You will automatically be brought to the Protocol Summary in the Coverage Analysis Console
- Type the protocol number into the "Select Protocol" field
- Select Billing Grid.
Billing Grid Overview:
The Billing Grid is a line-item list of the study activities and visit schedule, including the Billing Designations and Supporting Designations for each Charge Master Event and Item, as well as applicable footnotes in a table format. Once added by the Coverage Analysis team, the billing designations are seen on the Billing Grid page next to the appropriate procedure and visit. Procedures are listed on the left while the time points (or milestones) are listed at the top of the displayed Billing Grid.
- Select Billing Grid from the left vertical tabs:
- The Billing Grid Display Filters offer many options to customize your view of the Billing Grid:
- Calendar and Budget Version Filters: Allows you to select the appropriate calendar and budget version
- Protocol Arm: Allows you to limit your display to a single treatment arm of the calendar
- Sponsor: Allows you to limit the display to show only procedures associated with a single sponsor if multiple sponsors are listed on the protocol
- Display Event Codes and Item Codes: By default, event codes and item codes are not automatically visible in the billing grid. Select this checkbox to include them.
- Billing Designations:
- Allows you to select one or multiple billing designations
- Selectable billing designations:
- S also known as Standard of Care or SOC
- R also known as Research
- Supporting Designation:
- Allows you to select one or multiple supporting designations.
- Table below shows all possible Supporting Designations at WashU.
- Submit: Select "Submit" to apply your filter selections and to view the Billing Grid
- View Excel: Select "View Excel" to download an excel version of your filter selections. After the file has downloaded, select the file from your browser's download folder.
- Clear: Click "clear" and "refresh" to rest the filters and remove them from the Billing Grid
- Below is a simple example of what a Billing Grid might look like:
, multiple selections available,
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