REDCap Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


The WashU REDCap FAQ page is curated and maintained by WashU REDCap Support. Much of the information in this page was created based on questions from WashU REDCap Users.

Type your question in the search field below this text. If you use the search box in the top right of your browser window, you will search all of WashU Confluence. Using the search box below, will search the FAQs only.

Using the correct REDCap Basic Terminology when typing your question to the search bar will enhance your chance of finding the information needed.

If you do not find the answers you need, please submit a ticket.

If this page does not load correctly, Clear you web browser’s cache. For example, you should see a list of questions that are hyperlinks below this text. If they do not appear, or appear as full web URLs, please try to clear your browser's cache.