Current Lists
Below are the current lists available and their descriptions:
name_ | descshort_ |
ages | Association for Graduate Engineering Students |
ages-masters | AGES-masters |
ages-phd | AGES-phd |
all_engr_grad_students | All Engineering Graduate Students (MS, DSc, PhD) |
all_engr_students | All Seas Students (undergrad, grad, & phd) |
all_engr_undergrad_students | Undergraduate Engineering Students |
bme-seminars | bme-seminars |
bme-staff | BME Staff |
bme_grads | BME Graduate students |
bme_msgrads | BME MS Graduate students |
bme_phdgrads | BME PhD Graduate students |
bme_postdocs | BME Postdocs |
bme_students | BME Students (grad and undergrad) |
bme_undergrads | BME Undergrade students |
case-emails | Center for Aerosol Science and Engineering research center |
ceaf | Chemical and Environmental Analysis Facility |
cse-adjuncts | CSE Adjuncts |
cse-colloquium | People interested in attending CSE's colloquium talks |
cse-courtesyfac | cse-courtesyfac |
cse-cps | CPS (was WSN) |
cse-csf | cse csf |
cse-csfplus | csePlus |
cse-csfteach | cse-csfteach |
cse-jobs | Jobs list for CSE |
cse-msgrads | CSE MS graduate students |
cse-office | cse-office |
cse-phdgrads | CSE PhD graduate students |
cse-plus-math | cse-plus-math |
cse-staff | cse-staff |
cse-students | CSE Students |
cse-undergrads | CSE Undergrad Students |
cse_dcds_phds | CS + DCDS PhD students |
cse_students_2023class | cse_students_2023class |
cse_students_2024class | cse_students_2024class |
cse_students_2025class | cse_students_2025class |
cse_students_2026class | cse_students_2026class |
data-science-students | Students from LA2406, EN61S3, EN6105 |
dcds-faculty | dcds-faculty |
dcds-phd-program | dcds-phd-program |
eece-adjuncts | EECE Adjuncts |
eece-all-faculty | All EECE Faculty |
eece-non-tt-faculty | EECE Non-TT Faculty |
eece-phd-students | EECE PHD Students |
eece-postdocs | EECE Postdocs |
eece-research-scientists | EECE Scientists - full time benefits eligible lab techs, lab managers, research assistants |
eece-staff | EECE Staff |
eece-tenure-faculty | EECE Tenure Faculty |
ese-adjuncts | ESE Adjunct Professors |
ese-affiliate-faculty | ese-affiliate-faculty |
ese-all-faculty | All ESE Faculty |
ese-bsasee | undergraduate Bachelor of Science in applied science - in EE (not accredited) |
ese-bssse | undergratuate Bachelor of Science Systems Engineering (accredited) |
ese-grads | ESE Graduate Students |
ese-imagecert | Imaging Science Certification (not ESE students) |
ese-lecturers | ESE Lecturers |
ese-mengc | Master of Engineering - Controls |
ese-mengr | Master of Engineering - Robotics |
ese-msdas | Master of Science in Data and Analytics |
ese-msee | Master of Electrical Engineering Students |
ese-mssm | Master of System Science and Mathematics |
ese-opt-in-student-mailing-list | what we use for anyone who wants to opt into our emails - non-primary students/other degree/have an advisor that is our faculty but not our major |
ese-phdee | PhD Electrical Engineering Students |
ese-phdssm | PhD in Systems Science Mathematics |
ese-postdocs | Postdocs (updated manually) |
ese-profs-of-practice | Professors of Practice |
ese-research-faculty | ESE Research Faculty |
ese-senior-faculty | ESE Senior Faculty |
ese-t-tt-faculty | ESE T/TT Faculty |
ese-undergrads | ESE Undergrads |
ese-visitors | ESE Visitors |
imaging-faculty | imaging-faculty |
imaging-phd | imaging-phd |
mckelvey-adjunct-faculty | McKelvey Adjunct Faculty |
mckelvey-all-employees | McKelvey All Employees |
mckelvey-all-master-students | All Engineering Master Students |
mckelvey-all-phd-and-dsc-students | mckelvey-all-phd-and-dsc-students |
mckelvey-eece-firstsem-phds | mckelvey-eece-firstsem-phds |
mckelvey-eece-masters | mckelvey-eece-masters |
mckelvey-eece-undergrads | mckelvey-eece-undergrads |
mckelvey-emergency-response | mckelvey-emergency-response |
mckelvey-instructors | mckelvey-instructors |
mckelvey-ntt-research-faculty | McKelvey NTT Research Faculty |
mckelvey-ntt-teaching-faculty | McKelvey NTT Teaching Faculty |
mckelvey-postdocs | McKelvey Postdoctoral Researchers |
mckelvey-professor-of-practice-faculty | McKelvey Professors of Practice |
mckelvey-staff | McKelvey Staff |
mckelvey-tt-faculty | McKelvey TT Faculty |
mckelvey-umsl-adjuncts | mckelvey-umsl-adjuncts |
we_students | Women in Engineering students |