Dystonia OpenI Dashboard Set Up
Step 1) Go to clinportal installable folder (CLINPORTAL_HOME)
Step2) open etl.proeprties and fill in the file as mentioned below (if etl.properties does not exist ,create one with name as etl.properties)
#OpenI ETL Properties
openi.database.type = Oracle
openi.database.host =get from Raghav
openi.database.port = 1521
openi.database.user.name = get from Raghav
openi.database.user.password = get from Raghav
openi.database.sid = get from Raghav
openi.database.name =
Step4) save the file and run the command
$ ant -f etl_build.xml create_dystonia_schema -DstudyId="663" -DappURL={+}https://clinportal.wustl.edu/clinportal+-DuserName="admin@admin.com" -Dpassword="Login123"
Step5) Login to the open i Production server and proceed
Machine Name: appp40m1.cbmi.wucon.wustl.edu
sudo su - clinportal
Then follow the below steps
Go to BISERVER_HOME/administration-console and start pentaho administration console by running 'sh start-pac.sh &'
Step 6) Notify kuldeep and proceed to step 7
Step 7)
Go to BISERVER_HOME/biserver-ce and start server
sh start-pentaho.sh &
Step 8) Notify Kuldeep and wait for response from Kuldeep
Step9) Proceed to Step 10 after response from Kuldeep
Step 10)
Please change following properties in the openI-install.properties present at location BISERVER_HOME/pentaho-solutions/system/openi
mail.smtp.auth = false mail.smtp.starttls.enable = true mail.smtp.host = mga.wustl.edu mail.smtp.port = mail.user.name = mail.user.password = app.clinportal.redirect.url = {+}https://clinportal.wustl.edu/clinportal/RedirectHome.do+ app.clinportal.export.url = {+}https://clinportal.wustl.edu/clinportal/GetDataOutAction.do+ app.clinportal.fileupload.url = {+}https://clinportal.wustl.edu/clinportal/CommonFileUpload+
app.clinportal.fileupload.property = myfile app.clinportal.dystonia.to = clinportal@mga.wustl.edu
openi.database.type = Oracle openi.database.host = Take from Kuldeep
openi.database.port = 1521 openi.database.user.name = Take from Kuldeep openi.database.user.password = Take from Kuldeep openi.database.sid = Take from Kuldeep openi.database.name =
Step 11)
Create data source:
File name: BI_SERVER_HOME/biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions/system/openi/olap/datasources.xml
Create a new entry as below in the above file for every study dashboard: <DataSource name="get from Kuldeep"> <Server>https://clinportalquery.cbmi.wucon.wustl.edu/pentaho/Xmla<span style="color: #0000ee"><span style="text-decoration: underline; "></Server></span></span> <span style="color: #0000ee"><span style="text-decoration: underline; "> <DatasourceName>Provider=Mondrian;DataSource=Pentaho</DatasourceName></span></span> <span style="color: #0000ee"><span style="text-decoration: underline; "> <Catalog>get from Kuldeep</Catalog></span></span> <span style="color: #0000ee"><span style="text-decoration: underline; "> <Username>get from Kuldeep</Username></span></span> <span style="color: #0000ee"><span style="text-decoration: underline; "> <Password>get from Kuldeep</Password></span></span> <span style="color: #0000ee"><span style="text-decoration: underline; "> </DataSource></span></span>
save the xml file and restart the pentaho server
Step 12) Go to BISERVER_HOME/biserver-ce and stop server
sh stop-pentaho.sh &
sh start-pentaho.sh &
Step 13) Notify Kuldeep and Kuldeep will create dashboard and then notify SysAdmin once done,sys admin to proceed to Step14
Step 14) Go to BISERVER_HOME/biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions/CST/cst-config.xml
Step 15) Add a new rule
Step 16)
<rule match="USER" pattern="false" value="<span style="color: #ff6600"><em>get from Kuldeep</em></span>"> <tab title="get from Kuldeep"><![CDATA[[<span style="color: #0000ee"><em><span style="text-decoration: underline; ">get from Kuldeep</span></em></span>|/confluence/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=ClinP&title=get+from+Kuldeep&linkCreation=true&fromPageId=9929373]]]></tab> </rule>
Step 17) Search for String "<!-- ********************* JPivot Servlets ******************* --> " in the web.xml present at location BISERVER_HOME/tomcat/webapps/pentaho/WEB-INF/web.xml and put below mapping after it.
<servlet> <servlet-name>PentahoRedirectServlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>org.pentaho.platform.web.servlet.PentahoRedirectServlet</servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>PentahoRedirectServlet</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/getExportedFileDetails</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping>
Step 18) go to BISERVER_HOME/tomcat/webapps/pentaho/WEB-INF/lib
and delete the jar httpcore-4.0-beta3.jar
Step 19) Notify Kuldeep and kuldeep will send out the Unique URL created in Step 16 to the team and dashboard setup is complete.