ClinPortal - OpenI Study Based Data Migration
Step 1: Export Study Data
Export study data using <TBD> command.
<Sri: This is being developed in current sprint and will be updated once the command is ready. It will be a simple command target which will take CP id and export all the forms in the study in XML format.>
Step 2: Configuration file
Configure the configuration XML file for which fields you would like to migrate to OpenI. Please note the following:
- It is ideal to restrict the number of fields to 20 or less fields. Otherwise the dasboard will show too many items and might not serve the purpose. So choose the fields to migrate carefully.
- The configuration is based on form name and fields, not the model.
- It supports participant data, form data, MICS studies and catissue data (if the study is integrated with catissue) all in one XML.
Refer to the XSD for the configuration XML. Refer to the sample Sample CV-Aneurysm Config XML.
Step 3: Create Snowflake schema for OpenI dashboard
Run the below command to create the schema needed for setting up the dashboard. Running the same command multiple times will drop the existing tables and recreate them. So the same command can be used for incremental migration.
ant command : ant create_openi_schema -DschemaConfigFileName="<1>" -DschemaDataFileName="<2>"
<1> : OpenI schema configuration xml file
<2> : xml data file
sample ant command :
ant -f etl_build.xml create_openi_schema -DschemaConfigFileName="/root/dystoniaSchema.xml" -DschemaDataFileName="/root/Dystonia_MICS_2013_03_09_11_12_51/Dystonia_MICS_Form_Data.xml"
Step 4: How to configure the OpenI dashboard?
Configure the OpenI dashboard based on the created schema. Steps are documented here: How to set up OpenI dashboard for Clinportal study?
Step 5: Setting up cron job
To run the dashboard at regular intervals, configure step 1 and Step 3 in a cron job to run at regular internal (nightly, weekly, etc as per needs).