- In order to complete these tasks, you must have the PRMC-R role
- Begin on Home Page > ePRMS menu > Reviewer Console
- Click the "Active" vertical tab
- In the "Active Submissions" box, filter "Review Type" for "Admin" review, click on the blue hyperlink in the Submission No. column to access the submission.
- Submission details are visible. Including the following sections:
- Review Detail: - protocol info, all assigned reviewers, may click "Query detail" to see ongoing.
- In "Review Detail" block, open the reviewer form next to your name.
- Complete the form as appropriate
- In "Reviewer's Notes/Evaluation" box, click "Choose File", attach completed Review Form (from step b above).
- Click "Add" and "Submit".
- Repeat for all assigned reviews.
- Notify Protocol Office when reviews are completed.
- Reviewer's Notes/Evaluation - where completed review sheet will be attached.
- Documents - all required documents will be attached.
- Initial Review - basic protocol information from the initial submission.
- Accrual Information - accrual breakdown for study.
- "RC Total Accrual Goal (Upper)" = maximum number approved to consent for trial.
- "RC Total Accrual Goal (Lower)" = maximum number approved to be enrolled at WUSTL
- Completion Dates - anticipated
- Administrative Groups -
- Program Area: NCI Designated
- Oncology Group: Focus Group(s)
- Management Group: team responsible for managing patients and/or collecting data
- Disease Sites - all applicable disease sites will be listed
- Institutions - any institution that is/will be involved in trial.
- Sponsors - all will be listed
- Competing Protocols - any applicable competing protocols will be listed.
- Protocol Staff - at minimum, PI, Protocol Creator, and Regulatory CRC will be listed.
- Signoffs - will show timeline of study sign-offs, leading to Activation
- Review Detail: - protocol info, all assigned reviewers, may click "Query detail" to see ongoing.
- Click the "Active" vertical tab
Contact PRMC staff at protocoloffice@wudosis.wustl.edu for submission questions, or the OnCore support team (at 314-747-0347 or oncore.wustl.edu) with any OnCore questions.