- Begin on Home Page > Subjects menu > CRA Console
- Select a protocol by entering the protocol number in the Select Protocol field
- Find Subject and click on Subject "Epic MRN" hyperlink
- Click the SAEs vertical tab
- Create a new SAE record
- Click "New"
- Enter the following Required Fields into the "Subject SAE Update" block
- Event Date
- Date the event became serious
- Event End Date (Required for Oncology only)
- Date the event stopped being serious
- Reported Date
- Date SAE is first reported to protocol required recipient (e.g. industry sponsor/drug manufacturer, Wash U, NCI, etc.)
- Outcome
- Outcome of the event at time of SAE reporting (usually ongoing as of 24 hours)
- SAE Classifications (Required for Oncology only)
- Select choice from dropdown (e.g. Inpatient hospitalization, note: you can only select one)
- Select choice from dropdown (e.g. Inpatient hospitalization, note: you can only select one)
- Event Date
- You will need to get MD input to answer the following required fields in the Adverse Event Details box:
- Category, AE Detail, Grade/Severity, Unexpected, DLT, Action, Source/Attribution Box (Investigation Tx field is mandatory, other fields preferred if available)
- Enter the following Oncology Required Fields in the Tracking Details block:
- Notified FDA (date): For IITs, if applicable the date MedWatch form was submitted for the FDA
- Notified Regulatory (date): Same as Reported Date
- Team Reviewed (date): Date anyone on the research team (anyone in myIRB) found out about the SAE
- Click the "Submit" and "Close" button
- Attach supporting documents
- Document Type: SAE Form
- Upload: All completed forms and documents for the initial SAE report in PDF format
- Submit: To complete, click "Submit". Do not click "Complete and Lock".
Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE):
- Set of criteria for the standardized classification of adverse effects of drugs used in cancer therapy.
- Each oncology protocol should specify which version of the CTCAE should be utilized.
- The CTCAE version can be updated/changed in the management tab of the PC console by the regulatory coordinator as long as no SAEs have been documented.