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Navigation and Customization

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Navigation and Customization

Navigation and Customization

Navigation and Customization

Navigation and Customization

Navigation and Customization

Navigation and Customization

My Console


  1. Name of the current user

  2. Menu Bar, contains links to each console associated with user Access Role privileges. By clicking on the Menu icon, you can customize your favorites bar by starring the menus that you use the most and only those that are starred will appear on your homepage in the future.

  3. Home button, will return user to Home Screen (use this instead of “back” button”)

  4. Gear icon opens Home screen configuration options. Allows user to customize Home screen view, see “Customization” below.

  5. My Profile allows user to update their title and contact numbers.

  6. Help button provides a drop-down list of online help hyperlinks.

  7. Announcements contains the Help Desk information, and link to the Clinical Trials Study Map (“tree”)

Things you no longer see:
  1. Current Access Role - A User's Access Roles are "stacked" in v15 of OnCore. OnCore will automatically combined all of a User's privileges into their one unique role and that User will be able to complete all tasks without having to switch anything. 

  2. Institution that the user is associated with, determines access to protocols and subjects and lies within the User's contact information.

OnCore is organized in to Menus. Each menu contains the various functions that relate to that subject matter (Protocols, Subjects). These menus are designed to work together and “communicate” from one to the other. Each menu has different Consoles located inside, which is a set of related screens for a particular workflow, function and type of data. Access roles determine the protocols, subjects, data and subject information each user can view/ edit. Access roles also determine which menus/ consoles the user can see/ access, and which tasks they can complete. Some users will have multiple Access Roles assigned to them. Access roles in v15 of OnCore are "stacked", meaning that all privileges for all of a User's access roles will be available at all times and you no longer need to switch between access roles in order to complete different tasks. To customize the Favorites Bar on your home page, navigate to the Menu and star any sub-menus you wish to appear on your home screen. 

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  • Admin – for use by OnCore administrators

  • Audits/ Monitoring – enables organizations to define internal audits, enter and track audit information, and provide audit summary information

  • eCRFs/Calendars –Enables role-specific users to view an entire protocol calendar with all arms, SOC vs research-related procedures, biostat console, data manager console, CRF form creation, and/or calendar creation.

  • ePRMS – for use by staff submitting to PRMC, faculty and staff who review for PRMC, and the PRMC coordinators to process submissions

  • Financials – for use by financial staff for budgeting, noting SOC and Research related, invoicing and coverage analysis

  • My Console –designed specifically to assist subject staff in managing subject visits across all of the staff’s protocols. It provides a means to view and verify visits without having to access each subject individually from the CRA Console and Subject Console

  • Protocols – this is the central repository for Protocol level details

  • Reports –OnCore provides a library of OnCore standard reports. Many reports can be customized to meet your organization's needs. For more information about custom reports, please contact the OnCore Support Team at the information listed below.

  • Reviews –Reviews menu includes the Committee Appointees, DSMC Console, Agenda Management, and Team Console menu items
  • Subjects – Contains information about subjects, provides tools to view demographic information, document consent or view/ track the subject’s calendar

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  • Biostat Console (eCRF/ calendar menu) – is used to extract data from OnCore for use in statistical analysis tools, can also view the current progress of protocols related to accruals, forms, and adverse events

  • DM Console (eCRF/ calendar menu) – is a validation and management workspace for online forms.

  • Coverage Analysis Console (Financials menu) - provides access to perform a variety of coverage analysis tasks for a specific protocol.

  • My Console (My Console) - designed specifically to assist subject staff in managing subject visits across all of the staff’s protocols, providing a means to view and verify visits (see more info below)

  • PC Console (Protocols menu) – PC Console is where protocols are created and managed within OnCore. This is your starting point in working with OnCore

  • PI Console (Protocols menu) - allows users to view statuses and general information regarding Open Protocols associated with the user.

  • QASMC Console (Reviews menu) - the console consolidates and displays data captured throughout the OnCore application, may be used for additional purposes, including DSM reporting to QASMC.

  • Team Console (Reviews menu) - progress reporting and protocol managing tool used by an entire management team

  • CRA Console (Subjects menu) - allows access to subject registrations, demographics, consent form details, and details regarding individual subject visits, also provides an overview for all subjects on a protocol.

  • Subject Console (Subjects menu) - provides access to a subject’s demographic information, the protocols the subject is associated with, which consents the subject has signed, their eligibility status, etc.

  • From the Home Screen, click the blue “gear” icon located below your User Name.

  • In the “Home Screen Configuration” Box, click in the “Add” box of any Widget you would like to add to your Home screen view.

  • Click “Save”.

  • Click on the “Home” button to view your Widgets.

  • To customize each Widget, click the blue “gear” icon in a specific Widget (i.e. Protocols).
  • Here, you may choose different views and customization options within each Widget, based on what you would like to see at each log in.
  • From the Home Screen, hover over “Protocols”, and click on “PC Console
  • In the “Select Protocol” search box, type the information of the protocol you plan to bookmark (i.e. study number, HRPO number)
  • Once your protocol is displayed in the “Protocol Details” box, click on the star icon (next to the PC Console label) to bookmark your protocol. You may also unclick this icon, if you wish to remove the bookmark.
  • From the Home Screen, hover over “Subjects”, click on “CRA Console”.
  • In the “Select Protocol” box, type the information of the protocol that your patient is on (i.e. study number, HRPO number), click on that protocol.

  • Once protocol is selected, in the “Accrual Details” box, click on the Epic MRN of the patient you plan to bookmark.

  • Once your patient is displayed in the “Subject Demographics” box, click on the star icon (next to the Subject Console label) to bookmark this patient. You may also unclick this icon, if you wish to remove the bookmark.

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    • Click “Submit” early and often. Submit sometimes serves as a "Save" button on OnCore pages
    • Do not use the browser “Back” button
    • Use only one instance of OnCore at a time
    • The supported browsers for OnCore v.15 are: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Mac OS X Safari, and Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10, and 11.
    • Must turn off pop-up blockers while using OnCore - If you have turned off pop-up blockers, and still cannot see the pop up window activated by your selection, check to see if the pop-up window is open behind your current window or if applicable, and another monitor in use.
    • Consult Required Fields Definition/ Instruction pages for more info on field completion.
    • Inquiry mode is view only, whereas Update mode means that the fields are editable.
    • Vertical Navigation Tabs represent the different areas within each console (Example: PC Console>Main, Treatment, Institution, Accrual, Status...)
    • Horizontal Navigation Tabs represent the different options within each vertical tab (Example: PC Console>Treatment>Details, Disease Diagnosis)
    • Further information is located in the “?” in the top right corner of almost every page.
  • When adding a new subject registration/ enrollment, notify the OnCore Support Team if your patient info does not auto-populate, or is incorrect
  • Log in credentials are either WUSTL Key or BJC-NT logon

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  • My Console is designed to assist research staff in managing subject visits, and provides a personalized view of OnCore data, displaying relevant information to the current user. There are four main vertical tabs: Protocols, Subjects, Subject Visits and My Calendar.
  • Protocols – may view all protocols to which user has been assigned, with protocol status of open to accrual, closed to accrual, suspended. Terminated or closed with IRB will not populate in this view.
  • Subjects – displays all subjects on protocols to which you have been assigned. Initially, only active subjects are displayed, but you may customize this view, sort and link to each patient from this view.
  • Subject Visits – contains two horizontal tabs: Occurred Visits and Pending visits. The Pending Visits tab allows you to quickly update information regarding subject visits in one place. The Occurred Visits tab allows you to monitor the completion, submission, and monitored status for eCRFs.
  • My Calendar – displays your subject visits in a month by month calendar. Checkboxes on the bottom of the calendar allow you to customize the display default settings, per your preferences.

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When entering calendar dates in to OnCore, feel free to utilize the date shortcuts listed below.


Resulting entry


Inserts the current date


Inserts a date n days from today


t +3 is three days from today

(where n is a number)

t-1 insets yesterday's date (or 1 day ago)


Inserts the current date plus/minus n number of weeks


w - 6 will insert a date 6 weeks age


w + 2 will insert a date 2 weeks from today


Inserts the current date plus/minus n number of months




Inserts the current date plus/minus n number of years



mb or me

Inserts the beginning or end of the month respectively;


It may be used alone, or with + or - with a number.

yb or ye

Inserts the beginning or end of the year, respectively;


It may be used alone, or with + or - with a number.

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  • No labels