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REDCap Overview and Basic Terminology
Introduction to REDCap Webinar Series
These recorded webinars were hosted by Bernard Becker Medical Library's Data Management and Sharing Services in collaboration with WashU REDCap Support.
This introductory series provides users with a basic overview of REDCap as well as demonstrations of basic tasks to build and maintain a REDCap database. The series includes 4 sessions that are approximately 90 minutes each. The series is hosted live each year in January and September. The most recent recordings of these sessions and descriptions are available below:
Creating Forms and Surveys (Workshop Materials) - General overview of REDCap as well as demonstrations of 1) creating a project, 2) building a data collection instrument, 3) creating text, multiple choice and calculated fields and 4) enabling a data collection instrument as a survey.
Entering and Exporting Data (Workshop Materials)* - Demonstrations of entering data to your project, creating reports, exporting data, and adding study team members to your project.
Survey Setup and Distribution (Workshop Materials) - Enable REDCap data collection instruments as surveys and distribute surveys to participants via the Public Survey URL, Participant List, Automated Survey Invitations, and Survey Queue.
Longitudinal Projects (Workshop Materials) - Set up a longitudinal project, create events, designate instruments for events, use the scheduling and calendar tools, and set up and Automated Survey Invitation.
*For study team members who will only complete data entry, the recording Entering and Exporting Data is sufficient.
REDCap Workshop Recordings Webpage
Recordings of webinars hosted by Becker Library's DMS services which included demonstrations on specialized and advanced topics in addition to the introductory webinars above.
REDCap in a Flash
The sessions Hosted by .
REDCap in a Flash sessions were hosted by Bernard Becker Medical Library's Data Management and Sharing Services. These sessions included a deep dive into specific REDCap topics and tools.
External Resources
Vanderbilt's REDCap Training Videos
These are the training videos provided the developers of REDCap at Vanderbilt University. These are available at this link and in useful places within the REDCap user interface. The videos were created in older versions of REDCap so the user interface will look different but the step-by-step processes to set up different tools and applications are still relevant to the current version of REDCap.
University of Arizona REDCap training materials: https://cb2.uahs.arizona.edu/services-tools/surveys-clinical-databases-redcap/redcap-video-tutorials
University of Colorado - Denver REDCap training materials: https://vimeo.com/ucdredcap
Free Online Training Course via Coursera
Visit http://Coursera.org and register as a learner. Then you can register for the "Data Management for Clinical Research" course, below is a description of the course:
This course presents critical concepts and practical methods to support planning, collection, storage, and dissemination of data in clinical research. Understanding and implementing solid data management principles is critical for any scientific domain. Regardless of your current (or anticipated) role in the research enterprise, a strong working knowledge and skill set in data management principles and practice will increase your productivity and improve your science. Our goal is to use these modules to help you learn and practice this skill set. This course assumes very little current knowledge of technology other than how to operate a web browser. We will focus on practical lessons, short quizzes, and hands-on exercises as we explore together best practices for data management. REDCap application software is used a part of the training resources for this course.