Zephyr Squad 2.0
  • Ready for review
  • Zephyr Squad 2.0

    Zephyr Squad is the Jira-native test management software with core test planning and execution tools.

    This help page is only for projects who currently have Zephyr Squad enabled in their project(s). Please submit a general service request in ServiceNow if you are interested in learning more.

    Zephyr activities that were previously handled within the issue screens are now moved to the Zephyr Squad application found in the left pane menu.

    See this section to discover what activities can still be accomplished in the Jira issue screen.

    For more advanced features, such as automation, Rest APIs, and more visit SmartBear’s Zephyr Squad 2.0 documentation.

    Select a link below to jump to the topic on this page:

    Test Cases

    Test cases are no longer automatically linked to issues.

    I. Creating Test Cases within folders

    1. Select a project, select Zephyr Squad in the left-hand menu, and ensure you are in the Test Cases screen in the top menu.

    2. In the Folders panel, select New Folder. Type the name of your folder and Enter.

    3. Click New to create a new test case.

    4. The Create Test Case screen appears. On the Details tab, add your desired information:

      1. The Folder field is the destination of your test case. You specified a folder in Step 2.
        NOTE: If you did not specify a folder, you can change it here or drag and drop it to the correct folder later.

      2. Status is not related to an execution result. It’s the status of the readiness of the test to be planned and executed.

      3. Components are obtained from Jira and can be added/managed on the Jira project’s administration page.

    5. Select Create.

      Create Test Case with folder.mp4

    II. Creating Test Cases without folders

    1. Select a project, select Zephyr Squad in the left-hand menu, then ensure you are in the Test Cases scren in the top menu.

    2. Select the New Test Case button at the top of the screen.

    3. The Create Test Case screen appears. On the Details tab, add your desired information:

      1. The Folder field is the destination of your test case.
        NOTE: If you need to add this to a folder, you can specify the folder here or drag and drop it to the correct folder later.

      2. Status is not related to an execution result. It’s the status of the readiness of the test to be planned and executed.

      3. Components are obtained from Jira and can be added/managed on the Jira project’s administration page.

    4. Select Create.

    Create Test Case withou folder.mp4

    III. Create Test Cases on the issue screen

    To create a test case from an issue screen,

    1. Select the Zephyr Squad icon at the top to display Zephyr Squad below the issue Description field.

    2. Select Create a new test case. You can also add an existing test case.

    3. The Create Test Case screen appears. On the Details tab, add your desired information:

      1. The Folder field is the destination of your test case.
        NOTE: If you need to add this to a folder, you can specify the folder here or drag and drop it to the correct folder later.

      2. Status is not related to an execution result. It’s the status of the readiness of the test to be planned and executed.

      3. Components are obtained from Jira and can be added/managed on the Jira project’s administration page.

    4. Select Create to remain on the issue screen, or Create and edit to be redirected to the Test Case screen.

    Add test case from issue screen.mp4

    IV. Navigation within a Test Case

    Find the test case you created within your folder, and select it to open it.

    • Details - This is the default screen which shows the test case info and it can be edited.

    • Test Scripts - Also known as Test Steps. Add test steps to a test script for execution.

    • Execution - Track previous test-execution results.

    • Traceability - Link an existing issue from Jira to the test case, or use + to create and link a new issue to the test case. You can also link Web URLs.

    • Attachments - Attach files to the test case.

    • Comments - Add comments to your test case.

    • History - Track changes made to the test case.

    V. Creating Test Scripts (previously known as Test Steps)

    1. Find the test case you created within your folder, and select it to open it.

    2. Select the Test Script tab, and fill in the test-case steps.

      1. The first test step will appear with editable fields.

      2. When you hover over a test step, options to Add step to add a new step, Clone the step, Attach Files, or Delete the step.

      3. Hovering also reveals the option to reorder the steps by clicking the left side of the step and dragging and dropping.

    3. Click Save. The test case saves, and a notification appears on the screen.

    test script.mp4

    Test Cycles

    1. Select Test Cycles in the Zephyr Squad menu.

    2. In the Folders panel, select the folder where you want to create a new test cycle. If you want to create a new folder, select Create Folder, name the new folder, then select Enter on your keyboard.

      1. You can also add subfolders and manager your folders by hovering over a folder and selecting the More Options menu (ellipses button) that appears.

      2. You can also select a folder in the Create Test Cycle screen or drag the test cycle to a folder later.

    I. Create a Test Cycle

    1. Select + New Test Cycle. The Create Test Cycle screen appears.

    2. Fill in the desired fields, including the name of the test cycle, Planned start date, and Planned end date. Then select the dropdown next to the Create button and select Create and Edit.

    3. You will be redirected to the Test Cycle screen. Navigate to the Test Cases tab at the top of the screen to add test cases.

      1. On the Traceability tab, you can link Jira issues and/or Web URLs to the test cycle. 

      2. On the Attachments tab, you can attach files to the test case.

      3. On the Comments tab, you can add comments to your test case.

      4. On the History tab, you can track changes to the test cycle.

    4. Be sure to select Save in the upper right corner.

    5. Your test cycle is created, and a notification appears on the screen. You can select Go to test player to start executing the test cases immediately.

    Test Cycles.mp4

    II. Creating a Test Cycle from the issue screen

    To create a Test Cycle from the issue screen,

    1. If the Zephyr Squad section is not displayed below the issue’s Description field, select the Zephyr Squad icon at the top to display it.

    2. Select the hamburger menu (three lines) and select Create Test Cycle. (You can also add an existing Test Cycle.)

    3. Fill in the desired fields, including the name of the test cycle, Planned start date, and Planned end date. Then select the dropdown next to the Create button and select Create and Edit to be redirected to the Test Cycle screen.

    4. You will be redirected to the Test Cycle screen. Navigate to the Test Cases tab at the top of the screen to add test cases.

      1. On the Traceability tab, you can link Jira issues and/or Web URLs to the test cycle. 

      2. On the Attachments tab, you can attach files to the test case.

      3. On the Comments tab, you can add comments to your test case.

      4. On the History tab, you can track changes to the test cycle.

    5. Be sure to select Save in the upper right corner.

    6. Your test cycle is created, and a notification appears on the screen. You can select Go to test player to start executing the test cases immediately.

    Test cycle from issue screen.mp4

    Test Execution

    I. Navigate to the test player

    When creating test cycles and selecting Save, a popup offers a link to go to the test player. At other times, follow these instructions to find the test player:

    1. Navigate to and select Test Cycles in the Zephy Squad Menu (top of screen).

    2. Select a test cycle.

    3. A link to the Test Player will appear for that Test Cycle.

    Test Player - Cycles.mp4

    II. Update and Track Your Progress

    In the Test Player, you can update the status and start the test-execution timer. To improve the accuracy of your planning, the Test Player tracks testing estimates and actual testing time. Time summaries appear at both the test-cycle level as well as at the test-case level.

    • Select the play icon to begin testing. The test execution timer begins to run.

      • You can also enter testing time manually by selecting the More Actions menu (the ellipses button), entering the hours and minutes (hh:mm), and selecting Save.

    • The status of the test case updates as you input test-script results.

    III. Executing Test Cases/Steps

    Complete testing for each test case and set the result for each test step by selecting the Pass, Fail, or Blocked icons.

    If necessary, you can update the results of any remaining steps in bulk. Simply select the cog icon, then select your desired result from the Set All Below To section.

    test executions.mp4

    IV. Independent Executions

    You can execute test steps independently without adding them to a test cycle. Just create and link test cases or acceptance tests to user stories/bugs, then initiate the test execution directly from the Jira issue or Kanban board.

    1. While viewing an open issue, navigate to the test case you want to execute in the Zephyr Squad menu of the issue. (If you don’t see this menu, select Zephyr Squad in the issue menu at the top of your issue screen.)

    2. Click the Play icon to launch the test player and initiate the execution.

    1. The Start a New Test Execution screen appears.

    2. Select a tester in the Assigned to field, an Environment, and a test-case version, then select Start.

    3. The Test Player will open. Execute the test case.


      Test player.mp4

    Note: Each test-case execution is given a unique key, which you can use to revisit the specific test-case information at any time. From the Jira issue to which it’s linked, just expand the list of executions, then click the preferred test-execution key to open the Test Player.

    Zephyr Squad in the Issues Screen

    Test cases are not automatically linked within Jira issues. Below are the activities you can do from the Issue screen:

    1. Show and hide the Zephyr Squad section.

      1. Show: Select the Zephyr Squad button at the top of the issue.

      2. Hide: Select the More actions menu (ellipses) above the Zephyr Squad section.

    2. Create and unlink Test Cases. Also see this section above.

    3. Link and unlink existing Test Cases.

    4. Create and unlink Test Cycles. Also see this section above.

    5. Link and unlink existing Test Cycles.

    6. Start a new Test Execution.

    Zaphyr on Issue screen.mp4


    Zephyr Squad out-of-the-box execution and traceability/coverage reports.

    You can filter all reports to help you see details relevant to your specific needs, though currently reports cannot be customized (additional columns, different colors, and so on).

    Additional reports will continue to be released and documented as they are developed.


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