RIS Docker Workshop

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Docker Workshop Video

Coming Soon!

What will this documentation provide?

  • An introduction to using Docker.

  • An example of utilizing Docker to create images.

  • Leveraging Docker images to do analysis on the RIS Compute Platform.

What is needed?

  • Access to the RIS Compute Platform.

  • Knowledge of how to submit jobs on the RIS Compute Platform.

  • Docker installed on your local computer or ability to utilize Docker development on compute, documentation found here.

  • An account on Docker Hub.

What is Docker?

  • The technical definition of Docker is an open-source project that automates the deployment of software applications inside containers by providing an additional layer of abstraction and automation of OS-level virtualization on Linux.

  • The simpler definition is that Docker is a tool that allows users to deploy applications within a sandbox (containers) to run on the host operating system (RIS Compute Platform).

  • This method allows for all dependencies and environments to be able to remain unique to the software without interacting or interfering with other software’s environments.

What is a container?

  • A container is a virtual machine (VM), that runs software applications.

  • This means that a container is virtual computer that has an operating system (OS) and whatever software users installed.

  • Docker has created a syntax language for creating these virtual computers which get referred to then as Docker containers.

  • You can find more information about why RIS chose Docker and containers here.

Where can I find Docker?

  • You can find official Docker documentation here.

  • You can find Docker containers and a place to host Docker containers here.

  • You can download Docker here.

Creating a Docker Container

1. Decide The Base Container

  • The first thing you’ll want to when creating a docker container, is decide what type of container you want to start with as the base.

  • You can start with a base container of just an operating system, like Ubuntu, or you can start with a container that already has software installed.

  • Basic OS Docker Containers (This list is not comprehensive.)
  • Base Software Docker Containers (This list is not comprehensive.)
  • For our example we are going to start with the bionic Ubuntu image.

  • To do that we need to open up a text editor and create the base of our container.

#Start from bionic base Ubuntu image.
FROM ubuntu:bionic

2. Install Software and Software Dependencies

  • The next step is to determine what software we’re going to install.

  • For this example we’ll be installing a software called cowsay.

  • To do this, we’ll have to use apt-get to install the software.

  • First we’ll want to do an update using the following command.

RUN apt-get update
  • Then we need to actually install cowsay. In the install, since we’re installing in a Docker image, we’ll want to use some options to make it cleaner.

  • The command should look like the following.

RUN apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends cowsay
  • Once all of the software we want to install has been installed, we will want to run a clean to help keep our image clean and smaller.

RUN apt-get clean
  • We can run all the apt-get commands with the same RUN command if we wish, by utilizing &&. Now our Dockerfile should look like the following.

RUN apt-get update \
    && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends cowsay \
    && apt-get clean
  • We next will need to add the directory where cowsay is installed to the PATH variable so that we can use the software.

ENV PATH="$PATH:/usr/games"
RUN export PATH
  • Now our Dockerfile should look like the following.

#Start from bionic base Ubuntu image.
FROM ubuntu:bionic

#Install cowsay
RUN apt-get update \
    && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends cowsay \
    && apt-get clean

#Add cowsay to the PATH variable
ENV PATH="$PATH:/usr/games"
RUN export PATH

3. Build, Test, and Upload An Image

  • Once you have your Dockerfile saved within a directory (folder) designed for the image, the next step is to build the container.

  • The Docker base command to build a Docker container from a Dockerfile, looks like the following.

docker build -t username/container-name:tag directory
  • In our case, we’ll be using a directory named docker-example and we’ll simply call the container docker-example.

  • username refers to your Docker Hub username.

  • So, our Docker build command should look like the following.

docker build -t username/docker-example:latest docker-example/
  • If it builds successfully, you should get output of information about the building process, but at the end you’ll see the following.

  • Now we can run the Docker image we’ve created.

  • The base Docker run command is as follows.

docker run username/container-name:tag command
  • For our example image, this will look like the following.

docker run username/docker-example:latest cowsay "Hello World!"
  • Your output should look like the following.

  • Once we are certain our Docker image is functioning correctly, we can then push it to Docker Hub.

  • The basic push command looks as follows.

docker push username/container-name:tag
  • You should see output like the following for the push.

4. Expanding An Image

  • While it’s fun to tell our cow what to say, what if we had it say randomly generated fortunes?

  • We can do this by also installing the fortune library into our docker container.

  • Luckily, once our base image has been designed this requires changing only 1 line in our Dockerfile.

  • We will add fortune and fortunes to our apt-get install command, like the following.

&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends cowsay fortune fortunes \
  • Once that is changed, we can save the Dockerfile and rebuild the image.

  • Now we can pipe fortune into cowsay and create our fortune telling cow.

  • Unfortunately when running Docker, to be able to use the pipe command we need to add /bin/bash -c to our command.

  • So our new Docker run command should look like the following.

docker run username/docker-example:latest /bin/bash -c "fortune | cowsay"
  • If everything is working correctly, we should get output like the following.

  • You can re-upload your image to Docker Hub so that you have the newest image available for the next part.

  • Your complete Dockerfile should now look like the following.

#Start from bionic base Ubuntu image.
FROM ubuntu:bionic

#Install cowsay
RUN apt-get update \
    && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends cowsay fortune fortunes \
    && apt-get clean

#Add cowsay to the PATH variable
ENV PATH="$PATH:/usr/games"
RUN export PATH

Using a Docker Container on the Compute Platform

  • Now that we have our docker container created and uploaded to Docker Hub, we can use it to run the software we installed on the RIS Compute Platform.

  • To get the output we want on the RIS Compute Platform, we will have to use the following commands.

bsub -Is -q workshop-interactive -G compute-workshop -a 'docker(username/docker-example:latest)' /bin/bash -c "fortune | cowsay"
  • We need to use the LSF_DOCKER_PRESERVE_ENVIRONMENT variable because we had to set environment variables within our container and we want to use those instead of preserving those on the Compute Platform.

  • Again, in this case the username is your Docker Hub username.

  • If everything is working correctly, you should see results like the following.

  • cowsay has a fun little additional aspect. If a fortune telling cow isn’t fantastic enough, we can always use a dragon.

  • If you add the -f dragon option to the cowsay command, you can turn your cow into a dragon.

bsub -Is -q workshop-interactive -G compute-workshop -a 'docker(username/docker-example:latest)' /bin/bash -c "fortune | cowsay -f dragon"

Advanced Container Addition

  • As an advanced step, we can add another library that will add color to our cows and dragons.

  • lolcat adds rainbow coloring to the display.

  • Once we add it to our container, update, and upload to Docker Hub, we can add the color via lolcat with the following command.

  • There are no hints for this step as it is advanced and designed for the user to figure out.

bsub -Is -q workshop-interactive -G compute-workshop -a 'docker(username/docker-example:latest)' /bin/bash -c "fortune | cowsay | lolcat"

Example of Using the Compute Platform for Development

  • As mentioned before you can develop a Docker image on the Compute Platform.

  • The first thing you’ll need to do is let Docker Hub know your credentials by using the following command.

LSB_DOCKER_LOGIN_ONLY=1 bsub -G compute-workshop -q workshop-interactive -Is -a 'docker_build' -- .
  • This command only needs to be done once and will ask for your Docker Hub credentials (you’ll need an Docker Hub account prior to this step).

  • The login credentials you’ll need to use are those for Docker Hub NOT your WashU credentials.

  • Once you have this set, you can start development of your Docker image.

  • If you wish to use the Compute Platform to develop images or other software, we suggest checking out our documentation on doing so (Coming Soon!).

  • For this simple example, we’ll use the vi text editor that’s available on the Compute Platform.

  • You need to create a directory called docker-example and then cd into that directory.

  • Once in the docker-example directory, you will need to create your Dockerfile via the following command.

vi Dockerfile
  • Once in the editor you will need to press the I key to be able to edit the file. Now you just need to put in the information in the Dockerfile like developed above.

  • Once you’ve entered the info, then you press the escape key to disengage edit mode.

  • Then you need to press the : key and type wq and hit the enter key. This will write your changes and quit the editor.

  • Now you can use the cat command on your file to make sure it contains the correct information.

  • In order to build and push our Docker image, we need to cd back out of docker-example directory.

  • Then we need to use the following command to build and push our Docker image.

bsub -G compute-workshop -q workshop-interactive -Is -a 'docker_build(username/docker-example)' -- latest docker-example
  • Where username is your Docker Hub username.

  • Once this is entered you will see the normal Docker building information.

  • Now that the container is built and pushed, we can use the container like we need above in order to have our fortune telling cow.

bsub -Is -q workshop-interactive -G compute-workshop -a 'docker(username/docker-example:latest)' /bin/bash -c "fortune | cowsay"

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