AFT BioMS Quick Reference
AFT BioMS Quick Reference
Quick Reference - Use this reference as a job aid to assist in accessing the most commonly used functions in AFT BioMS.
Logging into AFT BioMS
Please note that starting in 2017, AFT BioMS users would have to access the application through AFT Portal
- Navigate to AFT Portal: https://alliancefoundationtrials.org/
- Click on Research Staff Login at the top right side.
- Enter your AFT Portal Login credentials. This will be your email address associated with your AFT ID and your corresponding password.
- Once you are logged in, AFT Portal Home page would be displayed.
- Please select the site from the top right menu option " My Sites".
- Once the site is selected, all applications applicable to that site will be displayed under the App Launcher
- Select BioMS Application and that should launch the application with you logged in.
- If you are a first time user of AFT BioMS, then you will be directed to complete a quick training. At the completion of the training, once you indicate that training has been completed, AFT BioMS application will be launched.
Logging a Specimen
Log specimens for patients using the following steps:
- Select Log specimens from Tasks Menu.
- From the patient search page, use the drop down menu to select either:
- Registration ID - search for a patient using their registration ID
- Patient initials - search for a patient using their initials
- Study ID - search for a patient by entering the ID of the Study they are enrolled in
- In search field, enter Registration ID, Patient initials or Study ID.
- AFT BioMS will display possible matches below the search line based on the information that is entered.
- From the list of suggestions, select the correct Registration ID, Patient Initials or Study ID and click the Search button.
- AFT BioMS displays the selected patient details in the patient search table.
- Select Patient initials from the table.
- The Specimen Check List page will be displayed, detailing the patient identifiers and the main study information.
- Epochs for the main and companion studies will be displayed.
- Select the Epoch tab at that corresponds to the correct study and collection event.
- Locate the specimen to be logged from checklist and click the box in the Collected column.
- AFT BioMS automatically populates the collection date field with the current date and time.The date and time can be edited by selecting the calendar icon. After clicking on the calendar icon, a window will open with options to edit both date and time. After edits have been made,click done to close the window.
- Click save.The specimen status will now be updated to collected.
Preparing Specimens for Shipment
After specimens are collected from a patient, they can be prepared for shipment using the following steps
- Select Manage shipments menu from Tasks panel.
- AFT BioMS will display the Specimens and Shipments page.
- A drop down menu at the top of the page allows the user to filter shipments by selecting a specific Bio Repository. If selected, only specimens and shipments designated for that specific Bio Repository will be displayed. If a specific repository is not selected, all specimens and shipments from your site will be displayed.
- On the left side of the screen, the user will see a list of specimens specific to their site that have not been shipped. A drop down menu will allow the user to filter results to display samples from the current day, last 3, 7, or 30 days, or the user can select to display all pending specimens. AFT BioMS defaults to display specimens from the last 30 days.
- On the right hand side of the screen, AFT BioMS will display a list of all pending and in transit shipments.
- To prepare a specimen for shipment, select the desired specimen from the list on the left hand side of the screen by clicking the box next to the specimen.
- To move the selected specimen into an appropriate shipment, ensure that the Auto function is selected and click the green arrow pointed towards the Shipments section.
- When using the Auto function to ship specimens, AFT BioMS will automatically place the selected specimen in a shipment that is going to the correct Repository and ensure the shipment contains the appropriate shipment method (ie..cold pack, dry ice).
Sending a Shipment
After the specimen has been add to a shipment, to prepare the shipment for transport:
- Click the circle (radio button) next to the shipment to be sent.
- Click the Send button. AFT BioMS will display a packing slip for the shipment with a unique shipment number.
- Enter in all required information. A space is provided to enter a tracking number from the air bill of the designated carrier if applicable.
- After all information has been entered, check to ensure the correct samples are represented at the bottom of the screen, and then select Send Shipment.
- After selecting Send Shipment, the user will be able to print the packing slip. Be sure to print the packing slip at this time and include it with the shipment.
Search for a specimen using the following steps:
- Select Specimens from Search panel on the home page.
- From the Specimen Search page use the drop down menu to select either:
- Specimen ID - search for a specimen by its ID
- Patient ID - search for a specimen using the ID of the patient
- In search field, enter either the Specimen ID or Patient ID that corresponds to the search method chosen.
- AFT BioMS will display possible matches below the search line based on the information that is entered.
- From the list of suggestions, select the correct Specimen or Patient ID and click on the Search button.
- AFT BioMS will display the specimen details.
Alternatively, to view all existing specimens from your site, select the Search button without entering any patient or specimen information in the search field.
Search for a study - Only Accessible when Logged in as a System Administrator
System Administrators can search for existing studies using the following steps:
- Select Build Study from Tasks panel on home page.
- From the Build Study page, two tabs will be visible.Select the tab titled Edit.
- From the Search Study page, use the drop down menu choose either:
- Study ID - search for a study using its Alliance protocol number
- Study title - search for a study using a part of its study title
- In search field, enter either Study ID or Study title that corresponds to the search method chosen.
- From list of suggestions, select the correct Study ID or Study title and click the Search button.
- AFT BioMS will display the study details.
- Click on the Study ID from the table displayed.
Alternatively, to view all existing studies from your site, select Search button without entering any study information search field
, multiple selections available,
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