This page discusses the similarities between slurm and the LSF system when it comes to managing and submitting jobs.
This page won’t cover everything about LSF but is designed to be a stepping stone to go from when transitioning to the Compute Platform.
Comparible Commands
The following list is slurm commands and their equivalent within LSF.
More information about job commands can be found in our job execution examples documentation.
Job Scripts
Most of the documentation and use of the Compute Platform assumes submitting jobs directly with
.Jobs can also be submitted via job scripts just like in slurm.
An example slurm job script might look like the following.
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=jobname #SBATCH --output=results.txt #SBATCH --ntasks=1 #SBATCH --time=10:00 #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=100 command
While an example job script in LSF would look like the following.
#!/bin/bash #BSUB -n 1 #BSUB -q submission_queue #BSUB -G my_group #BSUB -M 8000000 #BSUB -oo ${HOME}/path/to/log_file #BSUB -a 'docker(container_name:container_tag)' commands
Users can create job scripts just like they would for slurm.
option must be included to specify which Docker image the job is using.Unlike a more traditional HPC system the Compute Platform makes use of Docker images instead of modules.
You can read more about Docker and it’s association with the Compute Platform at the following links.
You can submit a job script in LSF using the following command.
bsub < job_example.bsub