Versions Compared


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  • 7.Protocol and Subject Searches
  • 7.Protocol and Subject Searches
  • 7.Protocol and Subject Searches
  • 7.Protocol and Subject Searches
  • 7.Protocol and Subject Searches
  • Saved Searched7.Protocol and Subject Searches
titleCreating Your Own "Report"

You don't necessarily need to run a report in OnCore to get the information you need. Many times, the answer you are looking for can be found with your own Protocol or Subject Search. By utilizing the various categories and fields available to narrow your searches, you can get a "report" of the exact information you are looking for. This is a good option to try when there is a report in OnCore that doesn't exactly fit your needs. Look at what fields and information the report provides and see if you can replicate it with the protocol search, and then add in what is missing for your particular question.Additionally, if no such report already exists in OnCore, a Protocol or Subject Search provides an alternative to having a custom report created.


If you frequently use the Protocol Search function and have Saved Searches you think might be helpful to others, please let the OnCore Support Team know!

Protocol Search

From the Menu, navigate to Protocols > Protocol Search.
