Updates you make (filters, drill-downs, etc.) while exploring or drilling into your data are retained until you change them or navigate out of the workbook.
Save Bookmarks
Bookmarks allow you to save a view of a workbook that you look at often or would like to return to, without having to create a copy of the workbook. You can set filters and make customizations to a published workbook and then click the bookmark icon in the bottom right of the screen to save a new bookmark.
You can name your bookmark and select the checkbox if you want the bookmark to open by default when you open that workbook.
To open a bookmark you've already saved, click the bookmark icon > Personal bookmarks and select the bookmark you want to open.
When you're viewing a bookmark, the bookmark icon is shaded green. If you want to clear the bookmark and return to the published workbook view, you can click the bookmark icon > Clear bookmark to return to the published workbook view. You can also edit or delete existing bookmarks by clicking the bookmark icon > Manage bookmarks. A panel opens to the right, and you can click the three dots to see your editing options.
Note that bookmarks are user-specific and can't currently be shared with other users.
Export Data
Click the icon in the lower left corner of the workbook. If you have the Analytics Report Viewer role, the icon has three lines . Otherwise, it has a folder with an arrow . Select Export... to immediately download or email an export or Schedule export... and then Add schedule or New schedule to set up a schedule for an export. To schedule an export, you must have the Analytics Organization Admin or Analytics Report Writer role assigned to your user.
When you select the Export... option, the Export window opens, and you can choose to immediately download by clicking the download icon (selected by default) or to email an export by clicking the email icon .
If you choose to download, in the Attachments section, you must specify what you'd like to export. You can export data from the entire workbook or from a particular page or data element. If you export a table, up to 1000 rows will be exported. Select the format (Excel, PDF, etc.) and orientation (portrait or landscape) you’d like to use and click Export.
If you're exporting via email or scheduling an export, in the Export via email or Schedule Exports window, specify the details for your export. In the Attachments section, select what you’d like to export and the format and orientation you’d like to use.
By default, exports are generated using your permissions (the permissions of the user creating the export) and show what you have permission to view. If you would like the export to show only what the recipient has permission to view, you can select the Run queries as recipient checkbox. Note that if this checkbox is selected and the recipient is not an Advarra Analytics user, the email to that recipient won't send. Also, if you're sending to multiple recipients, the export could take longer, as queries need to be run for each recipient.
If you're scheduling an export, you must specify the frequency. You also have a couple of additional options. You can choose to specify conditions for sending the export, based on whether data is available in a particular data element or another data condition is met, by selecting the Condition toggle at the top of the Schedule Exports window. You can also select the Customize control values checkbox in the More Options section to set filters for the export.
You also have options to export when viewing a particular data element. Hover over the top right corner and click the three dots. Click Export and select the format you’d like to use to immediately download or click Export or Schedule exports to access the options described above to email the export now or schedule the export.
Exclude Protocols
You can opt to exclude particular protocols from workbooks in Analytics. To do so, you can select the Exclude Protocol From Analytics checkbox for a protocol in PC Console > Main > Details.
Create Custom Reports
For users with the Advarra Report Writer access role only
You can use the Save As button that appears when viewing a workbook to save a copy of the workbook that you can then customize. You can save the customized version for yourself (in My Documents) or in Custom Reports to share with others at your organization.
You can also use Save As to create a blank workbook that can serve as a starting point any time you want to create a new custom workbook. To do this, use the Save As button to save a copy of any workbook. Delete all the elements in the workbook and save. When you want to create a custom workbook, you can navigate to this blank workbook and use the Save As button to save a copy where you can build your new custom workbook.