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Comsol in the Academic Labs

Comsol in RDSH

Using Comsol in OnDemand

Using Comsol in Batch Mode

A basic batch script for Comsol:

#BSUB -R '(!gpu)'
#BSUB -n 32
#BSUB -R "rusage[mem=64]"
#BSUB -o outputfilename.log
#BSUB -J comsolJob
#BSUB -R "span[hosts=1]"
#BSUB -q cpu-compute-long

module add comsol
mkdir /scratch/long/$USER.$LSB_JOBID
comsol batch -np 32 -inputfile wrench.mph -outputfile wrench_out.mph -tmpdir /scratch/long/$USER.$LSB_JOBID

The job script above runs Comsol in batch mode, across 32 CPU cores on a single machine. It uses 'wrench.mph' as it's input file, 'wrench_out.mph' as it's output, and puts temporary files under a directory /scratch/long specific to that job's ID number.

It expects to see the input files and will write the output files in whatever directory you submit the job from. 

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