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OpenI Deployment


  1. Installed JAVA 1.6
  2. Download the BI server zip bundled with OpenI from  {+}


  1. Unzip its contents of the zip file to the desired location. This will be referred to as BISERVER_HOME
  2. The tomcat server is present within the BI Server. System administrator should make this accessible on the required port.
  3. Copy the ojdbc5.jar from the file server at location /files/clinportal/openi/ojdbc5.jar to location BISERVER_HOME/tomcat/lib/ directory. Make sure that ojdbc5.jar has read write permission to clinportal user only
  4. Change the connection timeout setting in BISERVER_HOME/tomcat/conf/server.xml as below 


  1. Start the server - Go to BISERVER_HOME{color}biserver-ce and run the below command:

    run 'sh' to start the server
    To view the logs, go to  BISERVER_HOME
    /biserver-ce/tomcat/logs and run 'tail -f catalina.out'
    Once the server is started, access the application using the URL - http://<ip or domain name>:<port>/pentaho/Home
    Refer to OpenI set-up to create new study dashboards.

    Stop server:

    If you need to stop the server, go to BISERVER_HOME{color}biserver-ce and run the below command:
    run 'sh' to stop the server 
    To view the logs, go to BISERVER_HOME
    /biserver-ce/tomcat/logs and run 'tail -f catalina.out'
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