Add as a secondary email and always add the external user’s institutional email as a cc or bcc

Add as a secondary email and always add the external user’s institutional email as a cc or bcc.  This method is viable but 1) eliminates the use of Automated Survey Invitations since they do not allow a cc or bcc, and 2) you will not receive email failure notifications, for example, if a survey respondent deletes an email account where an invitation is scheduled to be delivered.  The failure notification would instead go to Therefore, it is recommended that you Add a lab email or study specific email as a secondary or tertiary email account.

  1. Complete steps 1-4 from Add a lab email or study specific email as a secondary or tertiary email account and enter




  1. Submit a ticket so REDCap support can auto-confirm the email since you will not be able to check the no-reply email to confirm

  2. Once the account has been verified, the external user should see the shared email in the “Email From” dropdown menu when creating invitations.  We recommend adding an email to the cc so the participant can reply all if they have questions.

