Add a lab email or study specific email as a secondary or tertiary email account
Add a lab email or study specific email as a secondary email account to the external user’s profile. For example, where Investigator 1 is the PI of the study at WashU and has setup a shared lab Outlook email account. The shared email account could be study or site specific, if needed. For example, if you have several external studies or several sites for one study.
To add a secondary email account login to then:
Go to your My Projects page
Select Profile in the upper right corner
Select Add email in under Additional Options
Enter and re-enter the email address and select Add email.
A confirmation email will be sent to the email address being entered. Locate it and click the confirmation link. Shared Outlook accounts can only be accessed by people with WashU email accounts so the external user will need to coordinate with people here to confirm the email account. The account should show up on the My Profile page after confirmation
After confirming the account, the external user should see the shared email in the “Email From” dropdown menu when creating invitations: