How can I delete records or events when my project is in production status?
Important: Only test records, records created in error, or records where data have already been moved to another safe location should be deleted from a REDCap production project.
Delete Record or Form Data
Users can delete records or events from REDCap projects in production status. Entire records can be deleted from the record page or forms within records can be deleted with a record.
To delete records, verify the user has appropriate User Rights permissions to delete records within the User Rights page of their project.
After obtaining appropriate User Rights, navigate to the record where you want to delete data. From the dropdown to Choose action for record, you can select ‘Delete record (all forms/events)’ to delete the data from all forms for the record.
To delete data from specific forms on a record, navigate to the form with data that you want to delete and scroll to the bottom of the form. Under Form Status, you can select ‘Delete data for THIS FORM only.’
Delete and Un-Designate Events
Only REDCap administrators can delete or undesignated events. Submit a ticket to either have REDCap support delete or undesignated events or move the project back to development. If you are making several changes, we recommend moving back to deve