How do I get access to REDCap Projects?

How do I get access to REDCap Projects?

You will need to reach out to your supervisor, the PI of the project, or someone on the project with user rights privileges to add you to the project. Provide them with this FAQ, if needed: How do I add someone to my REDCap project?

In the WashU REDCap instance, access and user rights to individual REDCap Projects are controlled by the study teams themselves. This means that the individual study team determines who is given access to a project and what tasks that person is able to complete once added (User Rights). Please see User Rights Definitions page for a full description of all user rights available.


If you need added to a REDCap project but are unable to contact someone who can add you to the project, please see this FAQ: I need added to a project but am unable to contact someone on the project with user rights privileges.

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