For Protocol Related Events that do not have a trigger, the Protocol Events tab must be used to document when these events occur.

Add Protocol Events

  1. On the Protocol Events page, click Update.
  2. Select an event from the drop-down list in the Protocol Events field. 
    1. Only events that haven’t been assigned a trigger will be available. Note that after a protocol event is marked occurred and added on this page, you can't assign it a trigger. 
    2. If any comments have been entered for the event on the Protocol Related page, they appear here next to the event. 
    3. You can search in this drop-down list by event or comment.
  3. Enter an Occurred Date that is on or before today’s date.
  4. Enter the number of instances in the Count field (up to a total of 99), if the event has been marked as variable on the Protocol Related page. 
  5. Add optional Comments for the event, which will be viewable on this page in the Protocol Events table, and in the Invoiceable Items page when you hover your cursor over the comment bubble 
  6. Click Add
    1. The event will now appear in the Protocol Events table. 
    2. It is no longer available in the Protocol Events drop-down list unless it is variable. 
    3. If the event had comments entered on the Financials Console > Protocol Related page, those comments appear in the Protocol Related Comments column in the Protocol Events table.
    4. The event creates an invoiceable item in the Financials Console > Invoiceable Items > Protocol Items section.
    5. On both pages Manual appears in the Triggering Event column, and any comments are indicated with a comment bubble.

Delete Protocol Events

  1. In the Protocol Events table, select the event's checkbox in the Delete column.
  2. Click Submit.

You can delete an event as long as it hasn’t been added to an invoice. Note that you can’t update events directly on this page, but you can delete an event and then add it again in the Add Protocol Events section.