
Reports are available through the Reports Menu > Reports. Once in the Reports page, you are given a list to the left in the vertical toolbar that the reports available are categorized into. By choosing one of those options you can jump to that specific section of reports. 

Below are suggested Reports that different teams who use OnCore have found helpful to integrate into their workflows. 

*Please note that the images below were taken from Forte's website; the data is fabricated and does NOT contain PHI.*

Run a Report

  1. To Run a Report, click the hyperlinked name of the report you wish to run

  2. A new page will open requesting you to fill out the Report Criteria required to run the report

  3. Fill out the requested Report Criteria

    1. These details will be different and based on which report you are running - a PI Enrollment Report requires different information from a Staff Effort Report

  4. Choose How you would like to receive your report from the drop down in the bottom right

  5. Click Submit

  6. Your report will download to the bottom left corner of your browser

Subject Visit Tracking Report

(Formerly the Planned Visit Report) This is one of the most powerful reports in our reporting toolbox, allowing CRAs not only to view a list of planned and occurred subject visits, but also log visits directly from the report. This is a great way to get ahead of those friendly reminder emails from your supervisor. The report can be filtered by date, management group, protocol number, or even by subject staff (that's you, CRAs!).

To run this report:

  1. Navigate in OnCore to Reports Menu > Reports > Subject Visits > Subject Visit Tracking

  2. Enter the Date From and Date Thru fields

  3. Narrow your results by defining the following Search Criteria in the Subject Visit Details :

    1. Protocol Number

    2. Procedure

    3. Subject Staff

    4. Management Group

    5. Visit Status

      1. This is a multi-select field so you can search for multiple statuses

    6. Your results will depend on the search criteria you use

  4. Click Submit

When using the Subject Visit Tracking Report you will receive the following information:

Subject Visit Invoice Report

Financial Coordinators and CRAs alike can make use of this report, which displays all subject visits that have been logged for a specified protocol, along with any applicable invoice information such as invoice number and date. Financial Coordinators can use the report to generate invoices from a list of available subject related items and/or confirm that they’ve appropriately invoiced for the visit time points that CRAs have logged. Similarly, CRAs can run the report to see a full list of scheduled events per subject without having to go into the specific subject calendars.

To run this report:

  1. Navigate in OnCore to Reports Menu > Reports > Financials > Subject Visit Invoice Report

  2. Enter the Protocol No.

  3. Click Submit

*Note this report is only available for protocols that have an associated subject calendar.

Patient Interval Report

This report is primarily for Financial Coordinators as it shows revenue per visit for each subject on a specific protocol. It also shows the date a visit was planned to occur side-by-side with the date the visit actually occurred, as logged by the CRA.

To run this report:

  1. Navigate in OnCore to Reports Menu > Reports > Financials > Patient Interval Report

  2. Enter the Protocol No.

  3. Click Submit

Effort Report with Percent

This report is primarily for Managers and outlines what studies CRCs work on for a given time frame. It includes the percentage of effort those hours equate to. This may help simplify the process for sourcing to studies, grants, etc. every month.

To run this report:

  1. Navigate in OnCore to Reports Menu > Reports > Effort Tracking > Effort Report with Percent

  2. Enter the From Date and Thru Date

  3. Click Submit

Year-to-Year Accrual

This report is primarily for Managers and compares the timeframe of any given year to the time frame of the previous year. This could be helpful to track accruals at team meetings. The report will list all of the protocols for a specific Management Group, the Primary Clinic Coordinator, the Prior Year's Accrual, and the Current Accrual. It will also break it up between Non-Therapeutic and Therapeutic studies.

To run this report:

  1. Navigate in OnCore to Reports Menu > Reports > Accrual Monitoring > Year-to-Year Accrual

  2. Enter the From Date and Thru Date

  3. Enter a Management Group

  4. Click Submit

Protocol IRB Review Cleanup

The IRB Lapse Report is primarily for Regulatory Coordinators and gives you a list of protocols with IRB Reviews in OnCore that have lapsed. They should have been renewed through an IRB Continuing Review but have not been updated in OnCore.

Suggested Frequency: Weekly

To run this report:

  1. Navigate in OnCore to Reports Menu > Reports > IRB > IRB Lapse Report

  2. Enter From and Thru Dates

    1. From date should be the Thru date from the last time you ran the report

    2. Thru date should be today's date

  3. Enter an Organizational Unit: Siteman Cancer Center

  4. Enter a Protocol Status: Active

  5. For those studies that populate, update the review in OnCore. If you are not the regulatory coordinator for that study, please alert the appropriate coordinator.