Installing Globus

Login Into Globus CLI

globus login

globus login --no-local-server

Globus CLI options

Globus endpoint Command

globus endpoint search "WashU"
ID                                   | Owner              | Display Name
------------------------------------ | ------------------ | -------------------------------------
01f0ac4c-9570-11ea-b3c4-0ae144191ee3 | | Wash U RIS storage1 dtn1
7e5cf228-8b33-11ea-bf85-0e6cccbb0103 | | Wash U RIS storage1 dtn2
be749bfa-a36b-11e9-821c-02b7a92d8e58 |  | EEE WashU
8a8345c4-1593-11e8-b610-0ac6873fc732 | | MGI_WashU_vcf-files
93101176-23d6-11e8-b775-0ac6873fc732 |      | rrAD_from_WashU_New
1d354de0-5994-11ea-af4f-0201714f6eab |    | WashU
f0d3e5ce-b634-11ea-9a3b-0255d23c44ef |  | WashU Turner Lab Incoming Globus Data
795c6697-6d04-11e5-ba46-22000b92c6ec | | boliu#WashU-Galaxy
a912ce04-23eb-11e8-b776-0ac6873fc732 |  | 18-03-09_UW_Tristani_Data_Transfer
f8df3e58-f1e0-11e9-8a5c-0e35e66293c2 |  | outWashU

Globus ls Command

globus ls 01f0ac4c-9570-11ea-b3c4-0ae144191ee3:/storage1/fs1/wustlkey/Active/

Globus transfer Command

globus transfer 01f0ac4c-9570-11ea-b3c4-0ae144191ee3:/path/to/source/location/my_file.txt 7e5cf228-8b33-11ea-bf85-0e6cccbb0103:/path/to/destination/location/my_file.txt
globus transfer -r 01f0ac4c-9570-11ea-b3c4-0ae144191ee3:/path/to/source/location/my_directory 7e5cf228-8b33-11ea-bf85-0e6cccbb0103:/path/to/destination/location/my_directory

Viewing Transfer and Task Information

Globus retains task information for 90 days. This is not controlled by RIS.

Commands in this section support the -F/--format json option for easier programmatic processing.

Transfer Status

Given a transfer task ID, information about the status of the task can be retrieved with task show:

[user@host cwd]$ globus task show 543e219c-01c1-11eb-81a3-0e2f230cc907
Label:                   None
Task ID:                 543e219c-01c1-11eb-81a3-0e2f230cc907
Is Paused:               False
Type:                    TRANSFER
Directories:             1
Files:                   3
Status:                  SUCCEEDED
Request Time:            2020-09-28T19:32:22+00:00
Faults:                  0
Total Subtasks:          6
Subtasks Succeeded:      6
Subtasks Pending:        0
Subtasks Retrying:       0
Subtasks Failed:         0
Subtasks Canceled:       0
Subtasks Expired:        0
Completion Time:         2020-09-28T19:32:27+00:00
Source Endpoint:         Globus Tutorial Endpoint 1
Source Endpoint ID:      ddb59aef-6d04-11e5-ba46-22000b92c6ec
Destination Endpoint:    Wash U RIS storage1 dtn2
Destination Endpoint ID: 7e5cf228-8b33-11ea-bf85-0e6cccbb0103
Bytes Transferred:       14
Bytes Per Second:        3

Transferred Filenames

The task info command can also produce a list of successfully transferred files when the -t/--successful-transfers option is used:

[user@host cwd]$ globus task show -t 543e219c-01c1-11eb-81a3-0e2f230cc907
Source Path         | Destination Path
------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------
/~/godata/file1.txt | /storage1/fs1/corcoran.william.p/Active/godata/file1.txt
/~/godata/file2.txt | /storage1/fs1/corcoran.william.p/Active/godata/file2.txt
/~/godata/file3.txt | /storage1/fs1/corcoran.william.p/Active/godata/file3.txt
  • This information is only available to the task owner (user), not RIS

  • This information is only available through the CLI and SDK, not the web UI

Event and Failure Logs

Timing and activity information (including errors) can be obtained with task event-list:

[user@host cwd]$ globus task event-list 543e219c-01c1-11eb-81a3-0e2f230cc907
Time                      | Code      | Is Error | Details
------------------------- | --------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2020-09-28T19:32:27+00:00 | SUCCEEDED |        0 | {"files_succeeded":3}
2020-09-28T19:32:27+00:00 | PROGRESS  |        0 | {"bytes_transferred":14,"duration":1.44,"mbps":0.0}
2020-09-28T19:32:25+00:00 | STARTED   |        0 | {"concurrency":2,"parallelism":4,"pipelining":20,"type":"GridFTP Transfer"}
2020-09-28T19:32:24+00:00 | SUCCEEDED |        0 | n/a
2020-09-28T19:32:24+00:00 | STARTED   |        0 | Starting sync delete

Further Globus Options