In some of the Alliance protocols, alternate specimens can be submitted as an alternate to a Primary specimen. The following are the steps you need to follow for collecting alternate specimens.
Step-1: To collect an alternate specimen, first you need to update its Primary Specimen as “Not Collected”. To do that, Click on the Not Collected icon [ |
Step-2: A pop-up window will appear. Select the most appropriate reason as to why the primary specimen cannot be collected (for example: Cannot Release Block) |
Step-3: Once the reason is selected or entered, then click Save button and the popup window will close. |
Step-4: Screen will be refreshed and all its Alternate specimen(s) will be activated. |
Step-5: Be sure to change the collection date if required and fill out any clipboards with RED exclamation marks before you click save. Please note that you need to collect each alternate specimen, one at a time. Once done, click Save and all the alternate specimens will show as collected. In this particular example, one of the alternate specimens is marked with “Do Not Collect” as specimen collection is no longer valid for this specimen and therefore it is shown as disabled allowing no collection. |