REDCap is a self-service platform available at no-cost to the Washington University research community. The majority of projects in the Wash U WashU REDCap instance are run by the study teams themselves. For example, the team builds, adds study team members to, maintains, and closes out the project. The Institute for Informatics Data Science & Biostatistics (I2DB) REDCap Support Team and Biostatistics provide a variety of different support services for teams using REDCap. Use the links below to jump to specific sections.
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The Institute for Informatics Data Science & Biostatistics (I2DB) REDCap Support Team provides free basic support services for Washington University REDCap users. These free services are funded by I2DB, the Institute for Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS), and Siteman Comprehensive Cancer Center (SCCC). See Acknowledging WUSTL REDCap for full grant information. Please read the Expectations of Wash U REDCap Users statement below prior to requesting services. These free services include:
WashU REDCap Free Basic Support
Creating user support materials such as FAQs, User Guides, sample language for grants and manuscripts, etc.
Standard Administrator Processes
Review and approve move to production requests
Review, approve and provide guidance when needed for project modification requests
Tasks that can only be completed by REDCap administrator
e.g. Enable surveys for a project in production
Note that the person requesting modifications to a project in production should have the same level rights needed to make this change if the project wasn't in production. For example, if someone requests that surveys be enabled, they should have project admin rights
Responding to Support Requests submitted to the REDCap Ticketing System
Project start-up consultations (1 hour)
Search for existing built-in tools or applications to achieve desired REDCap functionality
Demonstrate how to use built-in tools or applications
Troubleshoot issues with current projects
Develop workarounds for functionality where no built-in solutions exist, if able
Develop complex logic**
Create basic filters for reports**
Many I2DB Biostatisticians are expert REDCap users with the ability to build and manage portions or all of your REDCap project. If you would like to learn more, please see the Biostatistics Consulting Information page. To best utilize Biostatistics support in REDCap, please setup a consultation prior to submitting your grant to discuss the scope of the project and develop a budget that can be added to your grant application.
If you are using the Randomization Module, a statistician should be involved in the decision about the randomization method that is appropriate for your study and which REDCap randomization features that should and should not be implemented. See the RANDOMIZATION WARNING for more details. WashU REDCap Support does not provide services or user support related to randomization unless we are working directly with a statistician.
Expectations of WashU REDCap users