Rclone can be used with the research clusters to access data in WUSTL Box.
Run rclone config. If you did not previously have a ~/bin directory as described above, you may need to execute it as ~/bin/rclone config. Enter in a friendly, short name for the service when prompted.
Choose ‘box’ as the storage system. A long list of storage systems will print out; enter ‘box’ at the prompt:
Leave the next prompts - client_id, client_secret, box_config_file, access_token, all blank.
For box_sub_type, choose user. Do not edit the advanced configuration, then authorize using a web browser to complete the connection:
A web browser will start, and open the Box login page. Choose SSO Sign in, then go through the regular prompts for entering your WUSTL Key password.
After signing in, you will be prompted to authorize the connection with Rclone:
Back in the terminal where you were running rclone, it will have received and configured the token. Type “y” to accept this remote config, then “q” to quit configuration.
Using Rclone on the Cluster
…syncronize the contents of the local directory to the same contents as the WUSTL Box folder “EIT”. The source of the sync is listed first, the target second.
Always try this out with the --dry-run flag, as syncing the wrong direction can cause data loss!