1) 8am to 9pm Central Standard Time is the expected normal operating hours for the BioMS application.
Scheduled System Maintenance
1) Unscheduled downtime, which may occur due to hardware, software, or networking failures and may cause partial or complete loss of access to system resources, can result in the system and/or servers being unavailable.
2) May occur during the BioMS Normal Hours of Operation.
Scheduled Downtime
1) Unscheduled downtime which is anticipated to be less than two hours in duration, will not be communicated to end users directly. Users who experience difficulties due to unscheduled downtime during normal hours of operation will contact the BioMS helpdeskhelp desk. It is recommended that collected specimens be processed as per protocol, but held for biospecimen logging and shipping in BioMS in anticipation of system restoration. An exception to this rule may be when a biospecimen is required for same day shipment and shipment must occur within two hours of the time of collection (e.g. a biospecimen is collected at 5 PM to be processed, packaged, and shipped for a 7 PM courier pick-up deadline). In this case, the procedure below should be followed.
a) Reference the hard copy of the protocol for specimen collection and shipping requirements. Copies of the protocols that are available in the BioMS system are listed here: https://cbmiapps.wustl.edu/confluence/display/BP/10+-+Studies+Available+in+BioMS
b) Complete the BioMS Specimen Log and Shipping Manifest form.
c) Package specimens in accordance with the shipping details provided in the Protocol.
d) Send shipment to the designated repository, in accordance with the protocol details
e) Email a scanned copy of the completed BioMS Downtime Specimen Collection Form and the associated BioMS Downtime Log and Shipping Manifest form to Bioms@alliancenctn.org for data entry to into BioMS when the system is available.
Unscheduled Downtime Procedure Repository