CP - OpenI design
ant command : ant -f etl_build.xml create_openi_schema -DschemaConfigFileName="Schema Configuration XML" -DstudyId="Study ID" -DappURL="<ClinPortal App URL>" -DuserName="ClinPortal UserName" -Dpassword="Password"
Schema Configuration XML = the configuration XML file in case of non Dystoia studies.
Study ID = ID of the study for which the schema is being generated.
ClinPortal App URL = URL of clinportal application from where the data has to be imported.
ClinPortal UserName = clinportal user name.
Password = clinportal password.
sample ant command :
ant -f etl_build.xml create_openi_schema -DschemaConfigFileName="/root/Desktop/Docs/schema.xml" -DstudyId="666" -DappURL="{_}{+}http://localhost:28080/clinportal+_" -DuserName="sanjay@sanjay.com" -Dpassword="Admin123"
Once successful, there is a report created within the ClinPortal Installable folder. The report name is same as the main name specified in the configuration file created in configuration XML. It is a text file.
Dystonia dashboard set-up: For Dystonia MICS study, custom script has been created as there were study specific requirements. The study users wanted multiple form attributes combined as PVs under single attribute, values from attributes from multiple forms to be merged into single attribute in OpenI. In order to satisfy such requirements, a separate script had to be developed. Use the below command to create the OpenI schema for OpenI:
ant -f etl_build.xml create_dystonia_schema -DstudyId="Study ID" -DappURL="ClinPortal App URL" -DuserName="ClinPortal AppUser" -Dpassword="Password"
Configure the OpenI dashboard based on the created schema. Steps are documented here: How to set up OpenI dashboard for Clinportal study?
Step 4: Setting up cron job