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The Patient Search Results table shows Patient Initials, Registration ID , and the Study IDs for studies the patient is registered. Click on the desired patient initials to open the Specimen checklist home page, where the user can log patient specimens. To read more about logging specimens, see the section titled Logging a specimen.

In addition to the methods described above, a general search can be done by selecting a search option, leaving the search field blank and clicking Search.  BioMs will display a list of all patients and studies that are accessible from your specific site.


Select the Shipment ID in the table to view packing slip of that shipment.  To learn more about shipments and viewing the packing slip, see the section titled Send a shipment.

In addition to the methods described above,  a general search can be done by selecting a search option, leaving the search field blank and clicking Search.  BioMS will display a list of all shipments that are accessible from your specific site.


To view the Specimen Checklist for an individual patient, initiate a search for the patient from the Patient Search home page. For instructions on searching for a patient, see the previous section titled Search for a Patient.


 When the Patient search results appears, select the Patient initials to open the Specimen checklist.


  • The Clip Board - By clicking this icon, the user can enter any comments they may have about the specimen.  (ie.. unable to collect full tube of blood).  Comments can be added at any time, even after the specimen has been received by the repository.  Please Note:  If a comment is added to a specimen after it has been received by the repository, no notification is generated by BioMs to the receiving repository.  If you have a comment to add to a specimen that has already been received by the repository that could affect how the sample is processed by the repository staff, please call the repository and inform them of any new information you have about the specimen.

  • Red Exclamation Point - A red exclamation point (not shown in example) indicates that there is a mandatory form that needs to be completed.  Clicking on the Red exclamation point icon will display the form in a pop up window for completion.

  • Mark as Not Collected (Tube in red circle with line) - Selecting this icon allows the user to set the specimen status to "Not Collected".  A pop up window will appear when the icon is clicked that allows users to select reason why the sample is not going to be collected from a drop down menu. (ie.. Patient Missed Appointment).  There is also an area where more detailed information can be entered.

  • Recollect (Tube surrounded by green arrows) - Samples that have had a previous status such as "Uncollected" can be updated to Collected by selecting the Recollect icon. A pop window will appear that alerts the user that asks the user to confirm the action.

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Specimen checklist Task bar


  • Save: Click the Save button to save the collection information entered for a specimen. BioMs will save the information and remain on the current Specimen Checklist so the user can continue to log addition specimens for the patient if needed. Once the Save button has been selected, the specimen status will be updated. (ie..from "Pending" to "Collected" under the status column.)

  • Add to shipments: Click the Add to shipments button to save the specimen collection information and advance to the Manage Shipments home page where the specimen can be added to a shipment.  Selecting Add to shipments also updates the specimen status, but the user is taken from the specimen checklist page to the Manage shipments page. Note:  Selecting Add to shipments when logging in a specimen does not actually add the specimen to a shipment. Please see the section titled Manage shipments for detailed instructions on shipping specimens.


The status of the specimen will still be Pending until you select Save located on top/bottom right corner to mark the specimen as collected.  If the specimen is ready for shipment, click the Add to Shipments button to be taken directly to the Manage Shipments home page.  Shipment of samples is covered under the section titled Manage shipments.


Change specimen status from Collected back to Pending


  • From the list of specimens pending shipment, locate the specimen you wish to add to a shipment and click the box next to the specimen ID.

  • Click the green arrow in the floating box between the Specimens and Shipments sections that is pointing right, towards the shipments.

  • BioMS knows the required shipping requirements of the specimen and will automatically add the specimen to a shipment that meets the shipment requirements for the specimen.  If a shipment does not exist that is going to the required Repository by the required ship method, (ie..dry ice, ambient, cold pack),  a new shipment will be created.

  • To verify the shipment that contains the specimen, click on the drop down arrow next to the shipment.  BioMs will display a list of all specimens contained in that shipment.  Once a specimen has been placed in a shipment, it will no longer appear on the table of specimens pending shipment.

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Using the Manual Method:  The manual method of placing a specimen into a shipment allows the user to control which shipment the specimen is placed in.  As long as the shipment matches the specimen ship to and ship method requirements, the user can manually place specimens into the shipment of their choice.  Note:  BioMs will not allow specimens to be placed into shipments that do not match the shipping requirements for that specimen.  For example, if a user attempts to manually place a specimen in a shipment going to the PCO repository with a shipping method of dry ice, and the specimen is required to be shipped on a cold pack, Bioms will not place the specimen in the box, even when utilizing the manual ship method.  Complete the steps below to place a specimen in a shipment using the Manual method:

  • Select the radio button next to a shipment that has a status of "Not Shipped" and matches the shipping requirements of the specimen(s) you wish to ship. If a shipment does not exist that matches the required shipping criteria for the sample(s), one can be created.  See the section below titled Creating a Shipment for more details.

  • Select the radio button next to Manual in the floating window between Specimens and Shipments.

  • From the list of specimens pending shipment, locate the specimen or specimens you wish to manually add to a shipment and click the box next to the specimen ID.

  • Click the green arrow in the floating box between the Specimens and Shipments sections that is pointing right, towards the shipments.

  • BioMS will place your sample(s) into the designated shipment and the specimen will no longer appear on the table of specimens pending shipment.

  • To verify the shipment that contains the specimen(s), click on the drop down arrow next to the shipment.  BioMS will display a list of all specimens contained in that shipment.


  • Select the Create button.  When the Confirm Shipment Details Window appears, select the location the shipment is to be shipped to from the drop down menu.

  • Next select the desired Shipping Method from the drop down menu.

  • Once you have the desired ship to and ship method information selected, click the submit button.

  • BioMs will create a new shipment with the desired shipping criteria and unique shipment identification.

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Sending a shipment


Edit or Delete a Shipment

Shipments can be edited as long as the do not have a status of received at the repository.  by site users only within 24 hours after a shipment has been sent. Site users are prevented from making any changes 24 hours after a shipment has been sent to eliminate unexpected issues as a repository staff might be receiving the shipment at the same time. BioMs will allow shipments with a status of "Not Shipped" as well as "In Transit" to be edited.  However, once  If you need to edit a shipment 24 hours after you send it, please reach out to BioMS Help Desk and they can assist you to make the necessary changes after checking with the repository. Once a shipment has a status of received by the repository in BioMs, the shipment will not appear in the Manage Shipment home page, and can not be edited.


Additional Epochs may be added to an existing study if required. To add Epochs, select the study to be updated from the search table.  Under the Edit tab, add additional Epochs by following steps described in the previous section titled Adding Epochs.  New Epochs can be added to a study even after patients have been enrolled in the study.


Additional Arms may be added to an existing study if required. To add Arms, select the study to be updated from the search table. Under the Edit tab, add additional Arms by following steps described in the previous section titled Adding Arms. New Arms can be added to a study even after patients have been enrolled in the study.


Additional Collection events may be added to an existing study if required.  To add Collection events, select the study to be updated from the search table.  Under the Edit tab, add additional Collections events by following steps described in the previous section titled Add collection event. New Collection events can be added to a study even after patients have been enrolled in the study.


Additional Specimen requirement groups may be added to an existing study if required, as long as no patients have been registered to the study.  To add a Specimen requirement group, select the study to be updated from the search table.  Under the Edit tab, add additional Specimen requirement groups by following steps described in the previous section titled Adding Specimen requirement groups.

A  Specimen requirement group can be deleted from an existing study, as long as no patients have been registered to the study.  To delete an Specimen requirement group, select the study to be updated from the search table. Click on the Collection event that contains the Specimen requirement group to be deleted in the Study details tree.  From the Add a Collection Event page, navigate to the Specimen requirements group section. Place a check mark next to the Group label by clicking on the box. Click on the Delete icon located in line with the title Specimen Requirement groups title.  Please be aware that there will not be a pop up window asking for conformation as occurred when deleting an Epoch or Arm.  The Specimen requirement group will be deleted and the user will be taken bake to the main Study details page. Click on Save Study. The changes will not be visible in the Study details tree, but will be displayed when you click on the Collection event associated with the Specimen requirement group.


Additional Specimen requirements may be added to an existing study if required. To add a Specimen requirement group, select the study to be updated from the search table. Under the Edit tab, add additional Specimen requirements by following steps described in the previous section titled Add specimen requirement.

A Specimen requirement can be deleted from an existing study, as long as no patients have been registered to the study. To delete a Specimen requirement, select the study to be updated from the search table. Click on the Specimen requirement to be deleted in the Study details tree.  From the Add Specimen Requirement page, navigate to the Shipping requirements section.  Click on the Delete icon located at the bottom of the page. Please be aware that there will not be a pop up window asking for conformation as occurrs when deleting an Epoch or Arm. Click on Save Study. The Specimen requirement will be deleted and the user will be taken bake to the main Study details page. The changes will  be visible in the Study details tree.


Additional Alternate specimens may be added to an existing study if no patients are registered to the study. To add an Alternate specimen, select the study to be updated from the search table.  Under the Edit tab, add additional Alternate specimens by following steps described in the previous section titled Add alternate specimen.

An Alternate specimen can be deleted from an existing study, as long as no patients have been registered to the study.  To delete an Alternate specimen, select the study to be updated from the search table. Click on the Specimen requirement for which the Alternate specimen to be deleted is associated in the Study details tree.  From the Add Specimen requirement page, navigate to the Alternate specimen(s) section. Highlight the Alternate specimen in the box that is to be remove.  Click on the "-" icon next to the box.  The Alternate specimen will be removed from the box. Please be aware that there will not be a pop up window asking for conformation as occurred when deleting an Epoch or Arm.   Click on the Submit icon located at the bottom of the page. Click on Save Study. The Alternate specimen will be deleted and the changes will  be visible in the Study details tree. Click on Save study.


To Sync a study, search for the desired study that is to be synched using search methods described in the section titled Search for a Study.  From the Study details screen, ensure that the Study is listed as Active in the Activity status field.  If it is not, select Active from the drop down menu and click on Submit. Ensuring that the study has a status of Active, click on Save Study, and then Synchronize Study. 
